A list of the most famous Who are the Nazis? A list of the most famous
Adolf Hitler Leader of Nazi Germany (1934-1945) Nazi Political Party leader Responsible for starting WWII
Herman Goering Head of the Luftwaffe (German Air Force) First leader of the Gestapo (German Secret Police) Second most senior member of the Nazi Party
Joseph Goebbels Minister of Propaganda Arrested all political opponents of Nazis Brainwashed civilians by promoting Hitler and the Nazi party
Adolf Eichmann Organized mass deportation of all Jews and other undesirables to the camps Responsible for all logistics relating to the Holocaust
Joseph Mengele Nazi Physician Performed human experiments on Jews and others “Angel of Death” Identical twin fascination
Heinrich Himmler “Architect of the Holocaust” Leader of the SS and later the Gestapo Responsible for the master race concept Considered to be the biggest mass murderer ever