Sea Level and Reefs in Hawaii
30 0 N and 30 0 S, shallow sunlight seas
Reef Types Barrier Reefs Fringing Reefs Atolls Patch Reefs
Reef Evolution
Methods Drilling Ecosystem surveys Dating (C 14 & U-series) Carbonate petrography
Holocene reef and dune Leahi reef and dune Waimanalo reef and dune Waianae reef None recognized ? Kaena Stand ? Carbonate System of Oahu
Ecosystem surveys Rotary cores
Ecosystem surveys
Wireline Drilling the Island Shelf
Large, bottom shearing swell events govern the geologic record
Low energy ~5-20 m Porites compressa branching Moderate energy ~2-8 m Porites lobata massive High energy ~0-2 m Porites lobata encrusting Shallow, high energy ~0-5 m Porolithon sp. High energy ~2-10 m Pocillopora meandrina stout branching Shallow, high energy ~0-10 m Montipora sp.
LONO HARBOR HALE O LONO SITE: -High wave exposure -Sparse coral cover -Shore parallel ridge and runnel morphology HIKAUHI SITE -Medium wave exposure -Abundant coral cover -Shore normal spur and groove morphology HIKAUHI SITE HALE O LONO SITE High bed shear
Modern Ecosystem Investigations: Results Modified from Storlazzi et al. (in press) Study Sites
Modern Ecosystem Investigations: Results Modified from Storlazzi et al. (in press)
Typical facies Branching coral framestone Encrusting coral-algal bindstone Mixed skeletal rubble Massive coral framestone Unconsolidated floatstone High energy Moderate energy Low energy
Typical facies Rudstone BindstoneGrainstoneFramestoneWackestone
Bindstone (algal pavement) Angular silt to pebble clasts (coral and algal) encrusted and bound by coralline algae, encrusting foraminifers and bryozoans; Extensive micritization of skeletal grains; Microcrystalline Mg- Calcite fills inter- and intraparticle pores
Framestone (reef framework) Intraskeletal pores lined by aragonitic accicular cement; Pores filled by peloidal Mg- calcite grading out to silt- sized skeletal debris; Thick crusts of coralline algae, encrusting foraminifers (Homotrema, Planorbulina?), bryozoans and serpulids