The Process of Agreement Jonathan Moore Scottish Government
What Will the Process Look Like? Still need to determine the precise nature of the agreement process, but it is agreed that all 32 councils will share a draft Single Outcome Agreement with the Scottish Government by 1st April 2008, and the expectation is that agreements will be reached for all SOAs by the end of June 2008 Some of the draft SOAs will have been developed with their community planning partners, and all SOAs need to have been developed with their partners by April 2009
Building Capacity This is the developmental process which will require support – within Scottish Government, Councils and Community Planning Partners Scottish Government has nominated 8 directors to work with 4 councils each COSLA/SOLACE will establish a network of lead officers in the 32 councils
Scottish Government Implementation Group Angus, Fife, Dundee, Perth & Kinross SG Lead – Colin Maclean Moray, Aberdeenshire, Aberdeen City, Edinburgh SG Lead – Liz Hunter N Ayrshire, E Ayrshire, S Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway SG Lead – Graeme Dickson E Lothian, W Lothian, M Lothian, Scottish Borders SG Lead – Bridget Campbell Orkney, Highland, Glasgow, Stirling SG Lead – John Mason N Lanarkshire, S Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, E Renfrewshire SG Lead – John Ewing Shetland, W Isles, Argyll & Bute, Inverclyde SG Lead – David Wilson E Dunb’tonshire, W Dunb’tonshire, Falkirk, Clackmannanshire SG Lead – Mike Foulis