Eurobarometer survey 65.3 on EU employment and social policy Survey carried out between 5 May and 11 June 2006 by TNS Opinion&Social representative sample of 24.815 people aged 15 and older in the 25 Member States as well as in BG, RO, HR, TR.
56 % of EU citizens have a positive perception of EU action in employment and social affairs… … 4 % more than two years ago.
Even more say the EU has a positive impact on specific employment and social policies
Confidence in keeping their job in the coming months … … 84 % of EU workers are confident
Broad agreement to statements linked to a «flexicurity approach» … Source: Eurobarometer 65.3
Employment measures seen as effective… Employment measures seen as effective… many of them backed up by the ESF
One third of EU citizens has heard of the ESF… … but there are strong variations across Member States … and less are able to quote one of its main objectives… Source: Eurobarometer 65.3
Taking part in education has a positive influence on awareness of the ESF: 45 % of Europeans who have taken part in training (regardless of whether their training was financed by the ESF) have already heard of the ESF (compared to 29 % amongst respondents who have not done training) There is a strong demand for information on EU funding in this area: 50 % of EU citizens say they are « interested in receiving detailed information on employment and social policies funded by the European Union. »
ESF budget about right…