Zolberg: The art Object as social process Source: V. Alexander Sociology of the Arts…(2003), p. 63. Note: Week 4 cancelled due to snowstorm.
Last Lecture: Participants in art worlds -- Creators/artists art Mediators Audiences/publics/consumers
Changing views about values of art can lead to changes in the status of the artist, artwork & the social institutions & publics that support them Beaune Altarpiece
Beaune altarpiece-open
Beaune Altarpiece--closed
Artistic Value Preciousness of materials? Unique, original? Limited quantities (death of the artist) Degas– Bronze Casts Degas– Bronze Casts
Unique artists, unique art works (individual) vs Unique artists, unique art works (individual) vs. social construction of art/artists (Zolberg) Example: Problem of Multiples negotiating artistic values in context of new technologies new ways of thinking about connections between the artwork and the “aura” of the artist Walter Benjamin-- “work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction”
Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial
Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial
Vietnam Women’s Memorial
Vietnam Servicemen Memorial
Note to Users of these Outlines-- not all material covered in class appears on these outlines-- important examples, demonstrations and discussions aren’t written down here. Classes are efficient ways communicating information and provide you will an opportunity for regular learning. These outlines are provided as a study aid not a replacement for classes.