... the chemistry of living things. Biochemistry ... C O ... the chemistry of living things. H
There are only 106 kinds of stuff in the world.
Each type of stuff is called an ... hydrogen Element- substances that are composed of only one type of atom. (pure)
Living things are made up of only some of these elements.
All elements are made up of small particles called ... Atoms Nucleus Protons: positive charge Neutrons: neutral charge Electrons: negative charge
Electrons move around the nucleus, but not necessarily in perfect circles.
The 4 organic compounds we get from food are: Carbohydrates- mostly sugars and starches for energy (70%) Lipids(Fats)- needed in small amounts to regulate cells (10%) Proteins- needed to build and maintain body (20%) Nucleic Acids- needed to build genetic code (found in all foods)
Carbohydrates Digested into small monomers called monosaccharides. C H O 6 12 6 Digested into small monomers called monosaccharides. Glucose is an example of one. Also fructose, galactose, maltose, ...
Carbohydrates Two monosaccharides bonded together form a disaccharide, a small polymer. One water molecule is removed to join the 2 monosaccharides. C12 H22O11
Carbohydrates Many monosaccharides joined together is called a large polymer, a polysaccharide. The many starches are a good example.
Lipids Digested into 2 smaller monomers, fatty acids and glycerol. Lipids are larger molecules that are mainly used to maintain cell health. Fatty acid(oleic) Glycerol
Proteins Digested into 21 different monomers called amino acids. These “building blocks” recombine into new protein according to the animal’s genetic code.
Here are a few amino acids. Phenylalanine Glutamine Arginine These join together in your body to make hair, skin, muscle, etc.!!
Two amino acids are joined together by a peptide bond to make a dipeptide, a small polymer.
In reality, most proteins are made of MANY amino acids joined together to make a polypeptide, a large polymer.
Compounds that make up our genetic material, DNA. Nucleic Acids Compounds that make up our genetic material, DNA.
One Nucleotide The base unit, Monomer, of a nucleic acid is a nucleotide. Several nucleotides bond together to create a DNA molecule, a polymer.