JOURNAL QUESTION: What “rites of passage” do you, teenagers, experience during your teen years? Which one of them is the most important (for you)?
QUESTIONS: What does Confirmation mean to you? What happens in Confirmation? Why should I get Confirmed? Why did I get Confirmed?
EARLY BAPTISM: From the time of Jesus until the 4th century, Christianity was illegal (remember?) Preparation for Baptism was called the catechumenate A person needed a sponsor It was a 2-3 year preparation During Lent there was prayer & fasting Baptism took place at Easter Vigil
R.C.I.A. PROCESS RITE of CHRISTIAN INITIATION of ADULTS INQUIRY The period of time where an interested person explores the idea of initiation CATECHUMENATE The period of time where the person commits to learning This requires a sponsor This usually lasts 1-3 years PERIOD OF ENLIGHTENMENT During the season of Lent Culminates in the Easter Vigil MYSTAGOGIA From the Easter Vigil to Pentecost The neophytes explore what it’s like to be Catholic
Evolution into Three Sacraments By the 5th century, almost everyone in Roman Empire was Christian Infants were being baptized by priests Not enough bishops to “Confirm” their church membership Once infants reached the “age of discretion,” (@ age 7), they received First Eucharist Later, when the bishop was available, they were Confirmed