STANDARDISATION in the SBS Twinning Seminar Sofia, 25 January 2018 STANDARDISATION in the EUROPEAN CONTEXT Radek Maly Head of Unit DG GROW
European standardization: The role of the European Commission In charge of implementation of Reg. 1025/2012 Coordinates standardisation policy (AUWP) Cooperates with different stakeholders/actors of the system (PPP) Promotes use of European standards to support EU legislation and policies Single Market Strategy Better Regulation Package Digital Single Market Renewed Industrial Policy Strategy Standardisation included in major policy initiatives
Who pays for standardisation? European standardisation is mainly financed by industry (93 - 95%) Followed by National goverments (3 – 5%) EC/EFTA (2%)
Standards as tools for the EU Standards support EU legislation and policies for the benefit of: - single market completion (New Approach) - innovation and quality - competitiveness and market access - health and safety - environmental protection
The legal basis of the ESS: Regulation (EU) No 1025/2012 ►Better communication & transparency for the EC: Annual Union Work Programme for European standardisation (planning future standardisation requests and strategic priorities) ►Better inclusiveness of standardisation processes: Stakeholder participation in ESOs SME access for NSBs -NSBs to proactively encourage and facilitate SMEs' access to standards and participation in technical work ►Financing of European standardisation ESOs Stakeholder organisations, including the one representing SMEs (underrepresented stakeholders need support to be better involved) ►Formalisation of the procedure to send a standardisation request to the ESOs Involvement of MSs through the CoS Better control of the whole process and better cooperation
Beyond Regulation 1025/2012: the Joint Initiative on Standardisation (JIS) ● Non-legislative initiative in the areas of governance, interaction and communication to improve the ESS ● Mutually agreed vision supporting the Juncker priorities + 15 actions, delivered by 2019 (SBS lead of action on stakeholder involvement at international level) ● Driven by stakeholders - EC coordinating and bringing together all participants involved ● More than 120 signatures/endorsements (BULGARIA signed)
Actions of the JIS Action 1 Study on the economic and societal impacts and benefits of standards as well as access to standards in the EU and EFTA Member States Action 2 Linking research and innovation with standardisation Action 3 Programmes for education in standardisation/Training and awareness on standardisation Action 4 Improvement of standardisation awareness in national public authorities Action 5 Aiding the implementation of the Construction Products Regulation (CPR) through standards Action 6 Improve the exchange of information and dialogue with industry through a Standards Market Relevance Roundtable Action 7 Optimisation of operational aspects of Regulation (EU)1025/2012 Action 8 Provide high-quality standards delivered and referenced in a timely manner Action 9 Inclusiveness, transparency & effective participation of all stakeholders in the European Standardisation System Action 10 Facilitating participation of all stakeholders at national level Action 11 Increased use of standards in Public Procurement to better implement the public procurement Directives Action 12 Encouraging the greater development and use of European service standards to help integrate Europe’s service markets Action 13 Promote the European regulatory model supported by voluntary standards and its close link to international standardisation in third countries Action 14 Standardisation to support digitisation of European industry Action 15 Improve the representation of the interests of SMEs in Europe in international standardisation processes
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