CFI John R Evans Leaders Fund High-Performance Computing
Who Should Be Concerned About This? Any applicants requiring high-performance computing equipment should contact University of Alberta Information Systems and Technology (IST) during proposal development The CFI requires that applicants who intend to purchase computer infrastructure costing >$100,000 must consult with Compute Canada
What is High-Performance Computing (HPC)? Examples of HPC infrastructure: Capacity or throughput computing Shared memory systems Systems with very large memory requirements High performance storage systems Long-term storage systems Cloud Computing systems Computing systems that use specialized processors (e.g. GPU-accelerated computing)
What is Compute Canada? Compute Canada is a CFI-funded non-profit corporation that is responsible for managing high-performance research computing infrastructure Compute Canada has a partnership with four regional organizations: WestGrid (Western Canada) Compute Ontario Calcul Québec ACENET (Atlantic Canada)
CFI Policies Relating to Compute Canada The CFI expects high-performance computing infrastructure to be housed and managed by Compute Canada Compute Canada assumes responsibility for operations and maintenance costs Reduced costs of purchasing, installing, operating and maintaining HPC infrastructure If HPC infrastructure is needed, consultation with Compute Canada is required Although the CFI expects HPC infrastructure to be housed and managed by Compute Canada, it also recognizes that there may be compelling reasons for infrastructure to be housed and managed by individual institutions Compute Canada provides guidance on a case-by-case basis * Ref: Section 4.6.4 (page 18) in CFI’s Policy and Procedure Guide, 2013
Steps Applicants Should Take During Proposal Development Discuss computing needs with Scott Delinger (Director – Research Computing, Information Services and Technology, 780-707-7335; If appropriate, Scott Delinger will liaise between applicants and Compute Canada Compute Canada will provide guidance *Ref: