EQAVET Annual Network Meeting 20-21 June 2018 Sofia, Bulgaria Update on the Erasmus+ call for Proposals 2017- 2018 Lara Paoletti Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) Image : © Shutterstock.com
Erasmus+ Programme 2014-2020 Key Activity 3 - Support for policy reform includes the activities related to the EQAVET network NRPs - Beneficiaries designated by the national authorities 2
Restricted calls EQAVET NRPs 2016 and 2017 Erasmus+ Restricted calls EQAVET NRPs 2016 and 2017 2016: 1 year grant 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017 Budget earmarked by country 2017: 2 years grant 1 April 2017 -31 March 2019 The maximum EU grant per project is € 150 000 Image : © Designed by Freepik
Objective Support EQAVET NRPs in implementing the tasks assigned by the EQAVET Recommendation Contributing to further developing quality assurance mechanisms in These tasks include: • Keeping a wide range of stakeholders informed about the activities of the framework network; • Providing active support for the implementation of the work programme of the framework network; • Taking concrete initiatives to promote further development of the framework in the national context; • Supporting self-evaluation as a complementary and effective means of quality assurance which allows the measurement of success and the identification of areas for improvement in respect of the implementation of the work programme of the framework network; • Ensuring that information is disseminated to stakeholders effectively. 1. Complementing the current EQAVET Framework in order to ensure continued relevance to the needs of the policy context by developing an EQAVET+ Framework; 2. Strengthening mutual cooperation among NRPs in order to address implementation – NRPs and the work with VET providers; 3. Deepening the culture of quality assurance of VET – the importance of feedback loops and the review phase of the quality cycle; Image : © Designed by Freepik
Implementation so far Activities in 2016 and 2017 Events, conferences, seminars, information and training sessions organised by the NRP Events, conferences, seminars, information and training sessions organised by other organisations Visits, working groups, meetings organised by the NRP Visits, working groups, meetings organised by other organizations Studies, surveys, assessments, researches, reports, etc. Internet and database Media: press and/or web articles, newsletters, etc. Promotional material: flyers, leaflets, posters, etc. Other Total 64 17 40 29 56 13 44 8 A total of 64 events, including conferences, seminars, information and training sessions were organised by the NRPs, reaching more than 3 800 participants in the countries concerned by the grant. Around 40 visits among NRPs, working groups and experts meetings involving relevant stakeholders were organised by the NRPs with a mobilisation of more than 400 people. 9 NRPs conducted pilot activities, questionnaires, developed new instruments and other tools. Almost all NRPs used the grant to reinforce links and cooperation with other NRPs.
Information, dissemination and communication Participants in 2016-2017 Information, dissemination and communication in 2016-2017 Main target groups in 2017 In total 3 819 participants took part to the events organised by the 19 projects in 2016. 56 studies, surveys, assessments, researches, reports, were produced and disseminated during the contracting period. Many NRPs developed studies and analyses on the VET system, including the preparation of reports and the collection of good practice. These studies and analysis have led to the development of materials useful for the implementation of the EQAVET Recommendation. 12 NRPs developed policy recommendations and briefings, manuals and guidelines for providers and practitioners. As part of the communication and information strategy, almost all the projects implemented or revised the national website and produced information and promotional material, although only 21% reported them in the list of activities. Several NRPs developed activities to improve visibility and awareness of VET and Quality Assurance.
Invitation to apply for a grant 2017 EACEA 36/2016 Final reporting Projects end date 31/03/2019 Final report submission 31/05/2019 Contractual amendments 1 month before the end of the contractual period (28/02/2019) Request for amendment duly justified and addressed in written to EACEA Publicity obligations
Final reporting Final report forms available on EACEA website/beneficiary space Activity report narrative part Final statement of accounts Grants equal or lower than EUR 60.000: Sampling of supporting documents Grants of more than EUR 60.000: Certification of accounts https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/sites/eacea-site/files/annex_iii_guidance_notes_audit_type_i_03-2014_en.pdf Budget item/heading Sample to be annexed to the Financial Statement Staff The three highest consolidated staff costs (i.e. staff member costs) for the whole eligibility period Subcontracting The three highest value subcontracts Travel and subsistence 25% of the highest costs declared under this budget item 8
Final reporting Evaluation procedure Focus on project management, implementation of the work plan, promotion and dissemination, networking Valorisation of good practices Follow up Payment/Recovery within 60 days Individual feedback on content sent to the beneficiaries Annual report on outcomes and impact prepared for DG EMPL
2019 Invitation to apply for a grant EACEA 1/2019 E + 2019 Annual Work Programme under preparation 10
Indicative Planning More info will follow Sending of the invitation to apply November 2018 Application deadline 1/02/2019 Notification of results and signature of the contracts April 2019 Contractual period 1/04/2019 -> 31/03/2021 More info will follow 11
EACEA – Unit A5 – Erasmus+ School, Vocational Training, Adult Education, Platforms EACEA-policy-networks@ec.europa.eu Lara Paoletti, Project Advisor Tel: +32 2 295 19 46 - Email: lara.paoletti@ec.europa.eu Website http://eacea.ec.europa.eu