5. Shut Down Job and Clean Up 4. Perform Task 3. Prepare Site and Equipment 2. Select and Inspect Equipment 1. Plan Work QUIT EASY GUIDES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Dogging Quiz [How to use this Presentation] The buttons and links in this sample presentation have been disabled. Please use your mouse button and click on the screen to progress through this presentation.
5. Shut Down Job and Clean Up 4. Perform Task 3. Prepare Site and Equipment 2. Select and Inspect Equipment 1. Plan Work QUIT EASY GUIDES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Dogging Quiz [How to use this Presentation] start It is important you learn to properly assess and sling a load. Failing to do this may result in any of the following hazards: The load could be damaged when it is placed at its destination. The load could drop or fall out of the slings in transit. The load could be damaged in transit by the lifting gear. The lifting gear could be caught under the load and damaged when the load is placed at its destination. The shackle or lifting gear could break if the load is too heavy. Slinging Hazards The crane could be damaged or unstable if the load is too heavy. 1. Plan Work Hazard Risk Management Related Topics: next prev
5. Shut Down Job and Clean Up 4. Perform Task 3. Prepare Site and Equipment 2. Select and Inspect Equipment 1. Plan Work QUIT EASY GUIDES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Dogging Quiz [How to use this Presentation] next prev start Hooks are used for grabbing and lifting loads and come in many different types and sizes. All hooks should have a safety latch, either spring-loaded or manual opening (latch lock), to prevent sling eyes being dislodged from the hook. Hooks Safety latch 1. Plan Work
5. Shut Down Job and Clean Up 4. Perform Task 3. Prepare Site and Equipment 2. Select and Inspect Equipment 1. Plan Work QUIT EASY GUIDES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Dogging Quiz [How to use this Presentation] next prev start Prepare Load Destination Before you start to move a load you need to make sure the load destination (the place where you are moving the load to) is ready for the load. You may be moving a load to a spot on the ground, a loading platform, a suspended floor or onto a vehicle. 3. Prepare Site and Equipment Ground Stability Related Topics:
5. Shut Down Job and Clean Up 4. Perform Task 3. Prepare Site and Equipment 2. Select and Inspect Equipment 1. Plan Work QUIT EASY GUIDES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Dogging Quiz [How to use this Presentation] next prev start Bends and Hitches Clove Hitch A Clove Hitch is widely used for starting rope lashings. It is commonly used when performing dogging and rigging. It is always finished with a half hitch. It is unsafe for other purposes unless the end is secured with an additional half hitch Perform Task
5. Shut Down Job and Clean Up 4. Perform Task 3. Prepare Site and Equipment 2. Select and Inspect Equipment 1. Plan Work QUIT EASY GUIDES AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Dogging Quiz [How to use this Presentation] next prev start Directing a Crane Do not allow the load to move outside of the operating radius of the crane. This could cause the crane to tip over. Do not allow the crane operator to leave the crane controls whilst moving a load. Do not allow a load to be snigged (dragged). This can cause damage to the crane, lifting equipment and load, cause the load to swing uncontrollably or cause the crane to tip over. Do not direct a crane to mobile a load across the side of a hill as this could damage or overturn the crane or create severe load swing. If you are directing a crane to mobile a heavy load down a sloping surface you should direct to go downhill backwards for greater stability. Keep the load and the crane clear of powerlines or other obstructions. Warning: The boom/jib may spring up and hit powerlines when the load is released. Release the load slowly and smoothly. Keep the load and the crane clear of powerlines or other obstructions. Warning: The boom/jib may spring up and hit powerlines when the load is released. Release the load slowly and smoothly. 4. Perform Task Powerline Distances Hazard Related Topics: