The development of christianity Chapter 5 Section 2 notes The development of christianity
Religion in the roman empire Prior to Christianity, Roman religion was polytheistic. Christianity, on the other hand, believed in one God. They worshiped gods like Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, and Mars. Beginning with Augustus, emperors were often made gods by the Roman Senate. Romans believed their vast empire was due to favor from the Gods. The state practiced rituals and ceremonies to celebrate and maintain this favor. Christianity believed each person must individually serve God.
Judaism in the empire Jews had a lot of freedom in the Hellenistic era. Judaea became a province of Rome placed under the control of a procurator. Some Jews in Judea wanted to cooperate with Rome, others wanted to revolt. A Jewish revolt against Rome in 66 AD was crushed by the Romans and Jerusalem was destroyed.
The rist of christianity Even though Christians were originally persecuted, Christianity grew in importance and spread throughout the Roman Empire. Christianity began as a movement within Judaism with the teachings of Jesus. After news spread that he had risen from the grave, Christianity gained support across the Empire.
Jesus taught humility, compassion, charity, and love towards others. The teachings of jesus Jesus taught humility, compassion, charity, and love towards others. His teachings were controversial. Some saw him as a revolutionary against Rome. His opponents turned him over to authorities. The procurator, Pontius Pilate, ordered Jesus’ crucifixion. After his death, his followers proclaimed he had arisen from the grave and appeared to them. They believed he was the Messiah, or annointed one, who would save Israel.
Christianity spreads through the empire Apostles, Simon and Paul were two of them, spread the word of Jesus, Son of God, throughout the empire. The letters and records forming the New Testament, the second part of the Christian Bible, were recorded during this time.
Roman persecution At first, the Romans paid little attention to the Christians. Christianity grew, though. Romans tended to tolerate other religions in their empire unless they threatened public order or morals. They began to view Christians as harmful because Christians refused to worship state gods and emperors. This was seen as treason. To Christians, worshipping state gods or emperors was seen as worshipping a false god and hindering their own salvation.
Christians were a minority, but still had strength. The Roman government began persecuting (harassing or causing suffering) Christians during the reign of Nero. Christians were blamed for a fire that destroyed much of Rome. They even killed many Christians. Christians were a minority, but still had strength. The religion continued to grow, even though they were persecuted.
Rome adopts christianity Christianity grew quickly in the first century, took root in the second, and had spread widely by the third century. Why was it able to gain so many followers? Roman state religion was impersonal and existed for the good of Rome. Christianity was personal. The ideas of Christianity were similar to other religions. Also, Jesus was human and people could easily relate to him. Christian communities satisfied a need to belong to a caring group. Christianity did not have social or economic class borders. Poor people especially favored Christianity.
The last major Christian persecution was under Diocletian at the beginning of the 4th century. Constantine became the first Christian emperor of Rome and Christianity prospered greatly. He was not baptized until the end of his life. He did, however, issue the Edict of Milan, which proclaimed official tolerance of Christianity. Under Theodosius the Great (AD 378-395) the Romans adopted Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire.