Did alliance make war inevitable?
Did alliances make WWI war inevitable? Lesson aim: To be confident to explain the two alliances and have judged whether they made war inevitable. TASK: Write a definition of what you think the word ‘alliance’ means. There are 4 long-term causes of WWI – ‘MAIN’. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/mwh/ir1/underlyingcauses_video.shtml
Who was in the alliances? Turn to p212, read the first paragraph. TASK: Use p212 to complete your own map of the alliances. Write in the countries/colour alliances. Concern sheet/Tension work sheet. Extra Challenge: Look at the statistics boxes on the p212 map. Which country do you think is strongest overall? Explain. Do you think one alliance is stronger than another? Explain. Think of a game/quiz to test the classes’ knowledge of alliances. http://www.schoolhistory.co.uk/gcselinks/wars/firstwwlinks/worksheets/alliancescardsort.pdf
A ‘Balance of Power’? Politicians at the time called this system of alliances the ‘Balance of Power’. They believed that the size and power of the two alliances would prevent either side from starting a war. Mini Whiteboards: Use map on p212 to help. Half: Reasons to support ‘balance of power’ theory. Half: Reasons against ‘balance of power’ theory.
Does this cartoonist agree with ‘balance of power?’ Get pupils to tableau what is happening in the picture. Groups of 5 – come-up with a speech bubble for each person. No more than a short sentence.
Copy the below into your books. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/mwh/ir1/underlyingcauses_video.shtml Copy the below into your books. Militarism: p216 – Find 3 key points/2 stats. Alliances Imperialism Nationalism