Comparative Vertebrate Physiology Vertebrate nervous systems
CNS organization
Spinal cord White matter Gray matter axons highly organized cell bodies
Spinal cord Somatotopy Ascending and descending tracts
Sensory - motor coordination Sensory input - motor output
Sensory-motor coordination Sensory and motor cortex
Brain development Develops from a hollow, fluid-filled neural tube Divisions prosencephalon mesencephalon rhombencephalon
Brain development Forebrain Midbrain Hindbrain telencephalon diencephalon Midbrain Hindbrain metencephalon myelencephalon
Brain Location of major structures
Brain evolution Traits increase in cerebrum size cerebellum folded in birds and mammals
Hypothalamus Physiological role - hormone release Thermoregulation (prostaglandins) Renal (ADH) Reproduction (oxytocin, GnRH)
Medulla oblongata Cardiovascular center Respiratory center Signals from baroreceptors, chemoreceptors Respiratory center Signals from stretch receptors
ANS organization
ANS organization Sympathetic Parasympathetic T1 - L2 paravertebral ganglia far from target organ Parasympathetic cranial, S2 - S4 ganglia close to target organ
Effects of divisions Organ Sympathetic stimulation Parasympathetic Heart muscle Gut increase decrease Glands (salivary) slight secretion copious secretion Gastric Sweat none Basal metabolism Eye (pupil) dilation contraction Lungs dilate bronchioles constrict bronchioles
Pharmacology All preganglionic are cholinergic (Ach) Postganglionic neurons of sympathetic are adrenergic (norepinepherine) Postganglionic neurons of parasympathetic are cholinergic (Ach)