Visual Basic 6.0 - Properties, Methods and Events P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS
P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS Textbox, Command buttons, etc., are called as objects objects are loaded with properties Ex:- flower loaded with color, shape, etc… like objects P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS
P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS Properties define the characteristics of an object such as Size, Color etc., Textbox Properties are Enabled, Font, MultiLine, Text, Visible, Width, etc., Visual Basic 6.0 P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS
P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS Method A method is an action that can be performed on objects. Object-oriented programming, a method is a connected or built-in procedure. Text1.Move 700, 400 It has other associated methods such as Refresh, SetFocus, etc. Visual Basic 6.0 P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS
P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS Simple logic Properties describe objects. Methods cause an object to do something. Events are what happens when an object does something Alignment Left Change or CLick Font- Bold Visual Basic 6.0 Visual Basic 6.0 Visual Basic 6.0 Objects Method Event P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS
P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS Common Properties PROPER TY DESCRIPTION Left The position of the left side of a control with respect to its container Top The position of the top of a control with respect to its container Height A control's height Width A control's width Name The string value used to refer to a control Enabled The Boolean (True/False) value that determines whether users can manipulate the control Visible The Boolean (True/False) value that determines whether users can see the control P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS
P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS Common Methods P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS
P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS Common Events Event Occurrence Change The user modifies text in a combo box or text box. Click The user clicks the primary mouse button on an object. DblClick The user double-clicks the primary mouse button on an object. DragDrop The user drags an object to another location. DragOver The user drags an object over another control. GotFocus An object receives focus. KeyDown The user presses a keyboard key while an object has focus. KeyPress The user presses and releases a keyboard key while an object has focus. KeyUp The user releases a keyboard key while an object has focus. LostFocus An object loses focus. MouseDown The user presses any mouse button while the mouse pointer is over an object. MouseMove The user moves the mouse pointer over an object. MouseUp The user releases any mouse button while the mouse pointer is over an object. P.J.Balakumaran, A.P, SNMV CAS