List out all of the reasons that you think our bodies have a skeleton. Bellwork 11-7-16
OBJECTIVES Students will be able to analyze how plant and animal cells are organized to carry on the processes of life. SPI 7.1.3 Explain the basic functions of a major organ system. Success Criteria: I can describe the function of the skeletal and muscular systems. I can explain how they work with other systems.
Skeletal System Intro Activity Stand up straight with your shoulder pulled back. Try to feel the bones in your spine. Now, arch your back like a cat and try to feel them again. What do you notice? Make a fist pointed downward. Try to feel the individual bones in your wrist.
Notes format and Diagram Cut out the diagram of the skeletal system And add to the middle of the page.
Skeletal System Arch your back like a cat and feel the bumps that appear on your back. What are those bumps? Feel your wrist and notice the big bump that on the same side of your hand as your pinky. What is that big bump?
The Skeletal System (copy the only notes in green) Bones, cartilage, and the connective tissue that holds bones together make up the skeletal system. Functions of the skeleton: Protection Storage (minerals and fats) Movement Blood cell formation
Joints A place where two or more bones meet is called a joint. Three Joints: Gliding Joint = hand & wrist Ball-and-Socket Joint = shoulder Hinge Joint = knee Joints are held together by ligaments. Ligaments are strong elastic bands of connective tissue.
BrainPop Skeletal System BrainPop Joints
Function: Your bones provide a frame to support and protect your body parts. Major Organs: Skull, Clavicle (collar bone), humerus (upper arm bone), femur (thigh bone) Ways it works with other systems: provides protection for the circulatory system and digestive systems; makes red blood cells for the circulatory system.
The Muscular Demonstration Open and close the clothespin (using your non-dominant hand) as many times as possible for 30 seconds. We will repeat for another 30 seconds. How does your number of time compare? We will repeat a third time. How does your number compare?
The Muscular System The muscular system is made up of muscles that let you move. Three kinds of muscles: Skeletal- enables bones to move (attached to bones) Smooth- moves food through the digestive system (stomach) Cardiac (heart)- pumps blood
Muscles work in Pairs Strands of tough connective tissue called tendons connect your skeletal muscles to bones. Muscles work in pairs: Flexor (biceps)- a muscle that bends part of the body. Extensor (triceps)- a muscle that straightens part of your body.
The Muscular System
Human Body Systems Chart Function: Your muscular system works with your skeletal system to help you move. Major Organs: Biceps, Triceps, Quadricep, Hamstring, Heart How it works with other systems: The muscular system work with your skeletal system to make your bones move.
Exit Ticket (Answer on post-it and stick on the closet door) Which two organ systems are most responsible for movement? A skeletal and integumentary B integumentary and muscular C muscular and skeletal D immune and integumentary