Chapter 7 STRENGTH OF ENCRYPTION & Public Key Infrastructure CISSP Study Guide BIS 4113/6113
Review: Asymmetric Crytography Users make public keys available to everyone Public Key Servers Private key used for decryption held in reserve Only the user can decrypt the message Internet Encryption Decryption P C C P Receiver’s Public Key Receiver’s Private Key
Asymmetric Encryption To encrypt my personal info, credit card info, and order info, my browser retrieves Whole Foods’ ______________. public encryption key My information is converted from plain text into ______________. cipher text The order goes through the unsecure network and is received by Whole Foods. In order to convert the order back to plaintext, Whole Foods uses its ________________________. private decryption key
PKI Operations 1 B makes its public key widely available (say through the Internet) 2 message sender 3 No security hole is created by distributing the public key, since B’s private key has never been distributed. message recipient
Message Source Authentication: Digital Signatures (p.243) Enforce non-repudiation Ensure message integrity during transmission
Certificate Authority (p.244)
Transmission with Digital Signatures Signed signature Digital Signature only Authenticated signature
Which key should I use? (p.241) If you want to encrypt a message If you want to decrypt a message sent to you If you want to digitally sign a message If you want to verify a message sent to you Use recipient’s public key Use your private key Use your private signature Use the sender’s public signature
RSA Encryption (p.233-234) Used by Microsoft, Nokia, Cisco, and 90% of Fortune 500 Works using “large” prime numbers Choose two: p and q 200 digits each n = p * q Select another number (e) e is less than n e is prime e and (n-1) * (q-1) have no common factors Select another number (d) (e*d – 1) mod ((p-1)(q-1)) = 0 e and n are public keys, d is private key (1088 bit) CT = PTE mod N PT = CTD mod N
Strength of Encryption Key length (or key size) Measured in bits Key of n bits = 2n possible keys Algorithm cannot be larger than key size, but can be smaller Encryption as a weapon? Export Administration Regulations (EAR) Limits: 64 bit symmetric, 768 bits asymmetric
Breaking encryption Brute force 56 bit encryption considered insufficient RSA Secret Key Challenge (1997) 56 bit key broken in 250 days It’s time to move to a longer key length 64 bit key broken in 5 years (1000s of PCs) Some things are better left unread Rc5-72 challenge Asymmetric key information in public key helps Keys with 128 bits are practically unbreakable SSL 128-256 bits (next slides) Federal minimum for top secret info: 256 bits
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Application SSL Transport Network Data Link Physical A protocol widely used on the Web Operates between the application and transport layers Early versions were 40 bit keys Google SSL: 2048 bit Operations of SSL Negotiation for PKI Server Send its public key and encryption technique to be used (e.g., RC4, DES) Browser Generates a key for this encryption technique; and sends it to the server (by encrypting with servers public key) Communications Encrypted by using the key generated by browser
Digital Rights Management (p.252-254) Encryption used to enforce copyright standards for digital media Music Movie E-books Documents Video games Steve Jobs’ open letter against DRM (2/6/2007) “The problem, of course, is that there are many smart people in the world, some with a lot of time on their hands, who love to discover such secrets and publish a way for everyone to get free (and stolen) music. They are often successful in doing just that, so any company trying to protect content using a DRM must frequently update it with new and harder to discover secrets. It is a cat-and-mouse game.”