What is the message of this source? Task on Entry What is the message of this source? Use the evidence from the source and your own knowledge to answer the question. A 1947 cartoon on HUAC (The House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities)– Published in the Washington Post by Herb Lock
The Cold War and American Politics, Society and Culture. Inquirer Learning Objective: KEY TERMS: Red Scare HUAC McCarthyism socialism Left-Wingers To understand the significance of Senator McCarthy and McCarthyism in Cold War America. To consider the impact of the Cold War on American politics, society and culture. Grade 6/7 You can use detailed knowledge to reach conclusions about the impact of the Cold War on US politics, society and culture. Learning Outcomes: Grade 4 You can describe the key reasons why Senator McCarthy and McCarthyism developed during the early 1950s. Grade 5 You can explain the impact of Senator McCarthy and McCarthyism on American politics.
Activate Activity: HUAC, the new Red Scare and Truman. The Red Scare: an outburst of anti-Communist hysteria in which communists, real or imagined, were seen everywhere. The first Red Scare in America followed the Russian Revolution of 1917. During the 1930s right-wing American politician feared socialism and Communism might gain popularity during the poverty-stricken Great Depression. HUAC (The House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activites) was set-up to investigate left-wingers sympathetic to socialism and Communist ideas in politics and government. Under FDR, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover initiated programmes in 1942 to seek out those who posed a security risk because of their socialist and Communist ideas. Between 1947 and 1952 there were 3,000 investigations, 14,000 inquiries, over 1,000 dismissals and several thousand resignations as a result. At the end of the Second World War, traditional opposition to Communist ideology, a surge of patriotism generated by the war and the fear of Soviet military strength led to a second Red Scare.
Activate Activity: HUAC, the new Red Scare and Truman. The new Red Scare had a number of significant impacts on US politics: In 1945 HUAC became permanent. It was given broader powers to deal with suspected American Communists. In 1947, Republicans won control of Congress and expanded investigations. The ‘Hollywood 10’ a group of writers and directors who had members of the American Communist Party were given one-year jail sentences. In 1948, the US courts moved against Communist Party officials. President Truman added to the hysteria of the new Red Scare: In 1950, the McCarran or Internal Security Act said members of Communist or socialist organisations had to register with the government or face jail or fines. Those who registered could lose passports or face deportation. President Truman failed to veto the Act, due to fears of being seen as weak on Communism. The Truman Doctrine scared the American government, Congress. Executive Order 9835 signed by President Truman ordered ‘loyalty investigations’ into all federal government employees.
Activate Activity – McCarthyism PART 1: In groups, find out about one aspect of McCarthyism and complete your section of the McCarthyism Fact Sheet. Group 1: Investigations during the 1950s. Group 2: McCarthy and the 1952 Presidential election. Group 3: How did McCarthy “get away with it?” Group 4: The Fall of McCarthy. Use p.34-36 of your text book to help you. PART 2: Now you are an expert, take it in turn to teach others about McCarthyism and it’s impact on American politics. .
THINK about the question for ONE minute. Consolidate QUESTION How significant was the impact of McCarthy’s actions and McCarthyism on American attitudes and politics? Explain your answer. Inquirer THINK about the question for ONE minute. PAIR discuss your ideas with the person next to you. SHARE your ideas with the rest of your table. Get feedback. Draw out similarities. Maybe put up on whiteboard?
Activate Activity 2 – The Impact of the Cold War on American Life Read pages 36-38 and create a summary diagram about the impact of the Cold War on American life. Mind map Cornell method You must include the following in your notes; Examples of specific changes caused by the Cold War. Consequences of the Red Scare for each of the four sub-headings. Key dates where they are mentioned.
Can use the information to…. Consolidate As a result of the lesson today I: Know… Understand… Can use the information to….
Demonstrate– Home Learning Task: Practice Essay 1. Plan and answer a practice exam question: Examine the impact of the Cold War on US politics during Truman’s presidency. Instructions: Use the guidance on the following slides to help you break down the question Also use the guidance on p.39-41 to plan your answer. Handwrite your answer on A4, lined paper. Time your written response: 45 mins max. If you have NOT completed your answer in 45 minutes, continue in a DIFFERENT coloured pen until it is finished.
History Command Terms Compare Contrast Evaluate Discuss Examine A key to success is understanding the question. IB History questions use key terms and phrases known as command terms. Common command terms are listed on the next slide with a brief description of each. Compare Contrast Evaluate Discuss Examine To what extent
History Command Terms Compare Give an account of the similarities between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout. Compare & contrast Give an account of similarities and differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout. Contrast Give an account of the differences between two (or more) items or situations, referring to both (all) of them throughout. Discuss Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence. Evaluate Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations. Examine Consider an argument or concept in a way that uncovers the assumptions and interrelationships of the issue. To what extent Consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept. Opinions and conclusions should be presented clearly and supported with appropriate evidence and sound argument. Discuss with student what the question is asking them See page 10 of your IB History Course Guide for Students. This should be in the front of your folder.
Essay Title: Examine the impact of the Cold War on US politics during Truman’s presidency. Examine questions ask you to make careful and critical observations about a specific topic. You need to support these observations with evidence, reasons and explanations. . For this question you need to consider how the cold War affected US politics between 1945 and 1953. Political factors to consider include: Balance of power between Republicans and Democrats McCarthyism and its impact on government. The impact of the Truman Doctrine. Events outside the US e.g. Korean War