Christopher W.V. Hogue, Ph.D The R language Christopher W.V. Hogue, Ph.D Associate Professor, Dept. of Biological Sciences and Principal Investigator, Mechanobiology Institute of Singapore Website: First video in a series on R Homepage for this video collection is the above URL You will find links, data sets and other useful information on this web site.
About these videos Video List The R Language (this video) Setting up R (Windows) Open and Save Data in R Simple Graphs in R Manipulating Data in R Math Functions in R Multiple Graphs in R Statistical Tests in R Rounding and Sorting in R Graph Formatting in R Complex Data in R Worked Example – Analysis in R Publication Quality Output in R Packages in R Functions in R C in R Database connections to R
A brief history of R R is an implementation of the S language S was developed in 1976 at Bell Laboratories (now Lucent) John Chambers with Rick Becker and Alan Wilks: "to turn ideas into software, quickly and faithfully." Chambers is a member of the R development team Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman released R (their common first initial) in 1993 “R” is a GNU licenced, FREE and open source implementation of S.
My experience with S/R NCBI – Integration of PDB structure into GenBank and Cn3D Steve Bryant – NCBI used S to build the first life-sciences S database package “PKB” to analyze PDB structures. Still in use today. Bryant SH (1989) PKB: a program system and data base for analysis of protein structure. Proteins. PMID:2780541
Books about R Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R Robinson, Andrew, Jones, Owen, Maillardet, Robert
Books about R R Graphs Cookbook V. Hrishi, Mittal
More Books about R R in a Nutshell Adler, Joseph R Cookbook Teetor, Paul
Onwards! – Go get R..
Next video Video List The R Language (this video) Setting up R (Windows) Open and Save Data in R Simple Graphs in R Manipulating Data in R Math Functions in R Multiple Graphs in R Statistical Tests in R Rounding and Sorting in R Graph Formatting in R Complex Data in R Worked Example – Analysis in R Publication Quality Output in R Packages in R Functions in R C in R Database connections to R