Voyager II and III – Energy Recovery Modules Features and selection Ph.TISSERAND October 2010
Content Product Features Range ERM construction Technologies Concept Voyager II / Voyager III design points Selection procedure Selection step by step Batch run tool with case example
Range impact - Voyager II: from size 125 to size 340 - Voyager III: from size 275 to size 600 2 Airflow configuration: Downflow Horizontal flow 2 Technologies: Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) Heat Recovery Wheel (HRW) Part of Voyager II and III upgrade program 125 340 Voyager II 275 350 300 400 500 600 Voyager III Voyager 2 cabinet Voyager 3 cabinet B C D A / B C / D
Range impact - Voyager II: from size 125 to size 340 - Voyager III: from size 275 to size 600 2 Airflow configuration: Downflow Horizontal flow 2 Technologies: Plate Heat Exchanger (PHE) Heat Recovery Wheel (HRW) 20 Hard bill configurations
Energy Recovery Module construction RAL9002 white paint Top & side panel fixing 50mm double skin panel Condensate outlet No water accumulation and carry over No bacteria development in “wet” area Hinged / handles on access panels Easy access to key components (Fan, Filters, dampers, Heat Exchanger) Safe access. Self supporting base frame High quality cabinet construction
ERM – Plate Heat Exchanger A competitive and robust design Efficiency 45 - 60% Horizontal discharge Integrated Adjustment of fresh air Comparative enthalpy free cooling capability Variable exhaust air flow (VFD + plug fan) Downflow discharge
The high efficiency solution ERM – Rotary Heat Wheel The high efficiency solution Efficiency 65 - 85% Horizontal discharge Integrated Adjustment of fresh air Comparative enthalpy free cooling capability Variable exhaust air flow (VFD + plug fan) Downflow discharge
Technologies in PHE Direct drive Plenum Fan (AC motor driven by TR1-2800®) Separated Motor / Speed Inverter to minimize maintenance cost. Accessible location of TR1-2800® (fresh air section of rooftop unit) Free cooling by-pass damper Design to have the same pressure as the heat exchanger in by-pass/free cooling mode. This ensure a constant rooftop airflow and avoids any rooftop fan motor over load Damper actuator Mechanical Min/Max position setting Normal / Reverse rotation switch 24VAC power supply Modulating on return mixing damper ON/OFF on free cooling by-pass damper TR1-2800® Variable Speed Drive Adjustable parameter Min/Max speed Remote control via 2-10VDC signal input Plate heat exchanger Designed for low pressure drop / High efficiency Less sensitive to clogging compared to Heat recovery wheel 20 Hard bill configurations
Technologies in ERW Direct drive Plenum Fan (AC motor driven by TR1-2800®) Separated Motor / Speed Inverter to minimize maintenance cost. Accessible location of TR1-2800® (fresh air section of rooftop unit) Damper actuator Mechanical Min/Max position setting Normal / Reverse rotation switch 24VAC power supply Modulating on return mixing damper Rotary heat exchanger Designed for low pressure drop / High efficiency Fixed rotation speed Filtration on exhaust and fresh air side Hygroscopic aluminum coating for increased transfer of humidity (increased latent heat transfer) TR1-2800® Variable Speed Drive Adjustable parameter Min/Max speed Remote control via 2-10VDC signal input
Voyager II / Voyager III concept Mixing between return and fresh air is not managed in the rooftop but in the ERM Return air duct is connected to ERM Voyager III In PHE version, the mixing between return and fresh air is done inside the rooftop. Return air duct is located as the same place as standard rooftop unit. In ERW version, mixing between return air and fresh air is done inside the ERM PHE Exhaust fan treat only exhaust air flow. Exhaust fan is variable speed according to fresh air % Standard : a defrost pressure switch that initiate defrost cycle (bypass of PHE) during a pre-set timer sequence Condensation evacuate via drain pipe. ERW Exhaust fan treat 100% of the air flow (Return fan). Exhaust fan airflow as to be set at commissioning, but remains fixed speed during operation. No condensate to evacuate, moisture transferred between the 2 airflow.
Voyager II PHE 125-155-175-200-250-265-290-340 GDR FRD HTX BPD EXF ROOFTOP MXD FLT ERW 125-155-175-200-250-265-290-340 LVR Voyager II Mixing between return and fresh air is not managed in the rooftop but in the ERM Return air duct is connected to ERM PHE Exhaust fan treat only exhaust air flow. Exhaust fan is variable speed according to fresh air % Standard : a defrost pressure switch that initiate defrost cycle (bypass of PHE) during a pre-set timer sequence Condensation evacuate via drain pipe. ERW Exhaust fan treat 100% of the air flow (Return fan). Exhaust fan airflow as to be set at commissioning, but remains fixed speed during operation. No condensate to evacuate, moisture transferred between the 2 airflow. HTX FLT ROOFTOP MXD EXF GDR
Voyager III PHE 275-300-350-400-500-600 ERW 275-300-350-400-500-600 GDR ROOFTOP HTX BPD EXF FLT ERW 275-300-350-400-500-600 LVR ROOFTOP Voyager III In PHE version, the mixing between return and fresh air is done inside the rooftop. Return air duct is located as the same place as standard rooftop unit. In ERW version, mixing between return air and fresh air is done inside the ERM PHE Exhaust fan treat only exhaust air flow. Exhaust fan is variable speed according to fresh air % Standard : a defrost pressure switch that initiate defrost cycle (bypass of PHE) during a pre-set timer sequence Condensation evacuate via drain pipe. ERW Exhaust fan treat 100% of the air flow (Return fan). Exhaust fan airflow as to be set at commissioning, but remains fixed speed during operation. No condensate to evacuate, moisture transferred between the 2 airflow. HTX FLT MXD EXF GDR
Legend Modulating Fresh air damper Modulating Mixed air damper FRD MXD GDR Modulating Fresh air damper Modulating Mixed air damper With 0-10VDC / 24VAC actuator Gravity exhaust damper HTX Heat recovery exchanger EXF Exhaust fan BPD By-pass damper With 24VAC ON/OFF actuator Mixed air flow FLT Fresh air flow EU3 Air filter LVR Return air flow Fresh air weather louver
Selection procedure 2 sheets : Selection of the Energy recovery performances are not integrated into Iris. An Excel calculation procedure is available through Litweb on Voyager II or Voyager III page ►Energy recovery module data ►Performance selection tool 2 sheets : “Batch_run” is a tools to conduct multiple selection. It is not mandatory for ERM selection “Selection_tool” is the main sheet used in the selection of ERM.
Step 1 : Unit selection Unit selection : For the selected unit size, select type of ERM and air flow configuration The Hardbill item for the Energy Recovery Module is updated automatically List price addition for the rooftop is now added into Iris configuration. Standard order porces for plate Heat Exchanger. TFN process is for Recovery Wheel technolgy.
Step 2 : Parameters input Enter rooftop airflow, % of fresh air, Exhaust airflow (optional), Return air duct pressure drop, Outdoor and Indoor Temperature and humidity in Summer (Cooling period) and Winter (Heating period) Click to “RUN Calculation button to refresh data on the rooftop schematic
Step 3 : Update Iris rooftop selection Select unit in Iris with economizer option Energy Recovery Module will modify the mixed temperature seen by the rooftop. The parameters in blue, red and green has to be reported in the proper cells of the Iris selection window.
Optional Step 5 : Integration in to Net EER/COP The Heat recovered could be considered as incremental cooling/Heating capacity produced by the rooftop. Step 4 help to update rooftop performance according to this assumption Place in the yellow cells, output from Iris in Cooling and Heating mode Updated net capacity and efficiency are calculated according to application point and EN14511 standard (0Pa ESP )
Step 6 : Quotation Copy/Paste Select range of cells in the Excel spread sheet and paste in into the Word cotations to display heat recovery. Ctrl+C Ctrl+V
Additional Tool : Batch run Batch run tool is useful when : Multiple application point are requested Calculate integration of total energy saved by ERM on a yearly base. Example : Warsaw Source : -14 °C 1 h -13 °C 15 h -12 °C 17 h -11 °C 35 h -10 °C 38 h -9 °C 51 h -8 °C 66 h -7 °C 88 h -6 °C 79 h -5 °C 68 h -4 °C 123 h -3 °C 172 h -2 °C 231 h -1 °C 280 h 0 °C 431 h 1 °C 408 h 2 °C 402 h 3 °C 339 h 4 °C 310 h 5 °C 6 °C 327 h 7 °C 343 h 8 °C 330 h 9 °C 290 h 10 °C ? What would be the total energy saving in the following conditions: Indoor 18°C 24h/24h operation 20% fresh air YKD600 – PHE No cooling needs below 10°C outdoor Nb of Hours / Year Outdoor temperature
Additional Tool : Batch run 1 – Setup selection tool with the proper PHE- Downflow 400-500-600 2 – Put In Batch run input data 3 – Click on “Run” button to get the performances
Additional Tool : Batch run 4 – Select Heating capacity o fthe ERM 5 – Multiply kW by Hours of operation to get Annual heating energy saving = 202 184kWh / year = 48.5 Ton of CO2 (if natural gas is heating energy)
Thank you!