What is electroconvulsive therapy?
HISTORY Early Greek & Roman times Italians Ugo Cerletti & Lucino Bini German Lothar Kalinowsky Introduced to France, Holland, England, U.S. Austrian Leo Alexander Key proponent in U.S.
Controversy Electroshock & insulin shock -Argument against: “definite ‘organic’change in memory which does not entirely clear up…” Argument for: “the reduction of intelligence is an important factor in the curative process” Broken bones & fractured spines Used muscle relaxants & anesthesia Quick, clean & lucrative For the psychiatrist
Since the 1970s Citizens Commission on Human Rights - CA (and other states) passed bill prohibiting * ECT without patient consent * Use on children under 12 Bill became model for mental health law reform around the world Many work for electroshock to be outlawed
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What is electroconvulsive therapy?