Dyabola Archäologische Bibliographie Römisch-Germanischen Kommission (RGK) Searching by site or place name Bibliotheken Click = next Libraries
Dyabola: searching by site or place name -In this demo we search the Sachkatalog der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission (RGK) Frankfurt. The Monographien der Bibliographie zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte Europas (RGK) work on the same principle -This demo uses the English version
The simple way Troje
20 hits It finds all words containing troje in the title or author field Search again With many irrelevant titles, and no language variants: Troy, Trojan, etc.
141 hits with troy in the title or author field If necessary perform another seach with troj
Advanced: Expert Search (1) Select Topography (Hierarchy) Do not enter a search term..
Tro Enter the first letters of the place or site name. Start with a capital letter. In principle, the spelling is that of the country where the town or site is (Köln, Venezia, Den Haag, etc.)
A listing of titles on Troy Note: at the bottom is a link to more titles
Advanced: Expert Search (2) If you already know that Troia is the correct search term for Troy, enter it in the search window. Troia Then select Topography (List) and click start search
TIP : find a relevant title and look under the tab Klassifikation which subject trees it has been assigned It tells you what name is used for a place or site
Summary The simple way via search Searches only title and author fields Language dependent May give many irrelevant titles The advanced way via expert search Use Topography (List) to find a known site or place name Topography (Hierarchy) searches via continent / region / country Note: use the site or place name as used by Dyabola The titles found this way are relevant, irrespective of the language of the article TIP : Use search to find a relevant title and see under the tab Klassification which subject trees it has been assigned