Best Practice Ofsted Update
Key Points Promoting best practice in evaluation and self-review What are some of the key focuses and approaches? Key approaches - EY and +16
What are some of the key focuses and approaches? Most able, schools need to demonstrate through lessons, books, student discussions and data that these pupils are making at least good progress PP – especially LACs. Focusing on narrowing the gaps rapidly Culture – safeguarding. That pupils and staff understand and recognise all the PREVENT dangers for example and know the channels to follow. Staff should be vigilant, listen, prevent and follow through any concerns Culture – leadership. Focus on all levels of leadership, ensuring middle leaders are taking responsibility for their students and that leaders do not work in silos Preparation for next steps Careers guidance: available for all showing logical pathways Governance: Being able to demonstrate their effectiveness particularly in the key focuses Data dashboard going – replaced by performance tables
Sir Michael Wilshaw: There are four key questions all secondary heads and academy trust bosses should be able to answer on demand: 1. What are you doing to strengthen the Key Stage 3 curriculum? 2. What are you doing to make sure your most able pupils are being stretched? 3. What steps are you taking to improve outcomes for your youngsters on free school meals? 4. How do you ensure that your Year 11 students fully understand the range of career and study options available to them?
Early Years Sampling: Following 2 or 3 children to look at how they are accessing the provision, the support from adults and any work and assessment records that is available to see Case studies: Follow these through to the actual children More than one inspector following up EY to ensure accuracy of evidence and not just one person’s view Progress of different groups Teaching and play survey: Ofsted’s early years inspections and regulatory work will be managed directly from April 2017, when the current contracts end. Tribal and Prospects, undertake early years inspections on Ofsted’s behalf. These contracts run until 31 March 2017
6th Form Same across all remits: This means all 6th form provision, colleges, 6th forms with in schools etc to ensure that there is consistency in reporting Focus on value added Focus on mathematics and English re-takes of GCSEs IAG: To ensure students are following the right courses for their needs and aspirations and that work experience, if undertaken, (and it is not compulsory) is relevant and of high quality, adding value to their courses and experiences. Careers: That this is appropriate to aspirations and capabilities Staying on rates: Linked to IAG NEETs High needs pupils: Much greater focus on these students
SEND Local Area SEND inspections Joint undertaking by CQC (Clinical Quality Commission) and Ofsted (all partners to be involved, such as police, social care and health) Schools involved in terms of feeding back on the quality of support including local offer Survey Focus group Telephone calls Framework available online
Ofsted YOUTUBE A variety of short videos – some focused on specific subjects Well worth looking at these