Progress made and the way forward The EU R&D Statistics Progress made and the way forward August Götzfried Eurostat (unit F 4)
R & D Statistics as a cornerstone of STI statistics Statistics on Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) mainly referring to the Lisbon and Barcelona European Council conclusions from 2000 and 2002 and the subsequent EU strategy on growth and employment R & D Statistics as a cornerstone of STI statistics
In particular for R & D statistics In general Eurostat sets the statistical standards and organizes data collections from Member States and other countries In particular for R & D statistics Also based on EU legislation, Eurostat and the OECD agreed on an internationally harmonized R & D questionnaire to be used for a maximum number of countries around the world Reasons: Resource savings at all levels, plus better international comparability of the data
As a consequence: A more stringent production process with higher data production frequency First main R & D aggregates: 11 months after the end of the reference period From 2005 onwards: Now-casting to be added with the aim of getting main data out 4 months after the end of the reference period More attention to data quality in the years to come
For 2004 the (provisional) ratio of the EU 25 is 1,90 %. The output Structural Indicators R & D intensity in 2003 EU 25 1,92 % US 2,59 % Japan 3,15 % China 1,31 % For 2004 the (provisional) ratio of the EU 25 is 1,90 %. R& D expenditure by source of funds for the main sectors of performance BES, GOV, HES: also cross border flows of funds are observed
The output
In addition: on the Eurostat webpage more data and breakdowns on: R & D expenditure, national and regional R & D personnel, national and regional Government budget appropriations or outlays on R & D In addition: regular publications More data to be disseminated for R & D personnel broken down by sex and by citizenship; R & D expenditure in BES by size class and economic activity, etc.
New challenges on R & D statistics More data on regions Better measurement of the internationalisation of R & D: some guidance in the OECD handbook on globalisation, OECD Task Force meeting installed More data for National Accounts as R & D statistics will be capitalized within the new SNA/ESA and R & D statistics are thought of being the best data source for deriving the respective estimates Main flagship data to be provided faster (now- casting)
All over Considerable progress on R & D statistics achieved in the recent years More needs however to be done in the years to come