The V-Con Approach towards Road Information Modelling Michel Böhms (TNO) 10 July 2013
Background: next level of road information modelling Last decades: modelling of roads (and other infrastructural objects) from design / engineering point of view with focus on the as-designed objects Today: need arises to model roads from authorities point of view, combining domains Geospatial planning Functional requirements & validation Asset (road/rail/water network) management Traffic management
Problem: integration of standards Each domain has its own information modelling standards and underlying technologies (+ organization), e.g. Open BIM: bSI IFC/IFD/MVD/IDM, gbXML, … in STEP/XML Technology Open GIS: OGC CityGML, EU Inspire, LandXML, … in UML/XML Technology Open Systems Engineering (SE): COINS*, PLCS, PLM, ProcessPlant (PP), … in several technologies How to combine strengths of these developments (BIMGISSE)? How to introduce new functionality like dynamic/distributed modelling? *BIM:bSI IDM Part2
? Three Worlds Three “worlds” to align wrt: Technologies Information Structures Semantics Geometry (here: alignments)) Compliant Applications Clients Servers Tools LinkedData (W3C SW) SE GIS BIM ?
? Three Worlds Three “worlds” to align wrt: Technologies SE GIS BIM LinkedData (W3C SW) SE GIS BIM ? EXPRESS SPFF SDAI BIMsie UML XML XSD WFS
? Three Worlds Three “worlds” to align wrt: Information Structures SE LinkedData (W3C SW) SE GIS BIM COINS 1.0 PLCS PLM … ? IFC2x4 IFD IFC4Roads… GML CityGML Inspire AS’s NL IMgeo/BGT
? Three Worlds Three “worlds” to align wrt: Compliant Applications Clients Servers Tools LinkedData (W3C SW) SE GIS BIM ??? … CBIMserver ? Revit Tekla ArchiCAD … BIMserver Civil3D GIS apps … Deegree3D
Intermezzo: Distributed modelling International (= worldwide) National (NL, SE, FR, DE, …) Organisation (RWS, Trafikverket, …) Project (Schiphol-Amsterdam-Almere, Stockholm Bypass, …) Int. Road model Extension of CBNL Road model SE Road model Extension of RWS Road model TRV Road model Extension of SAA Road model SBP Road model Preferably: dynamic, flexible, internet based, supporting promotion and extension, ….
Potential solutions Two possible basic ways forward: Select one existing “world”/standardisation approach and make it leading Looked at in V-Con: bSI, COINS, OGC/Inspire Keep all relevant approaches and develop a new intermediate standardisation approach in between Referred to as a “hybrid” solution
Selection criteria Product Quality: Functionality, technological robustness Process Quality: Strength of the organization Quality in Practice: International acceptance >>>”all” and futureproof “hub” in the middle
V-Con approach: LinkedData Use the W3C Semantic Web, a powerful, flexible and web based technology, as intermediate hub between existing standardisation approaches: OWL+ as language (“ontologies”) Maintains existing standards for SE, BIM, GIS, etc., do not replace them Supports distributed modelling
Hybrid with LinkedData Three “worlds” to integrate Technologies Information Structures Compliant Applications Clients Servers Tools LinkedData (W3C SW + CMO)* SE GIS BIM * Also referred to as “COINS 2.0”
More specific example BIM <> GIS SW GIS OWL/CMO bSI IFC+IFDs+IDM OGC CityGML+ADEs EU Inspire OSS Fuseki OSS BIMserver OSS Deegree 3D
Roles of hub (“under discussion”) As entrance for all other separately modelled data sources For Extending with distributed semantics in object libraries (==ontologies) as neutral semantics For Exchange for having GIS apps accessing BIM-level data Sharing for making new functionalities possible Primary data stays in different worlds Well not for object libraries/neutral semantics??? Same assumptions per world (wrt applications) Example BIMserver: BIMSie Changes via originating software, no troublesome roundtrips ! ? ! ?
Roles graphically ! ? ! Where needed ?
Intermezzo: Example Translation and conversion when linking BIM and GIS Building Smart Initiative W3C Linked Data / Semantic Web Open Geo-spatial Consortium EXPRESS OWL2/ CMO XSD Represented in IFC4 (2x4) Represented in Represented in Represented in IFC -Bridge Represented in Convert Convert A1 IFC for Roads IFC for Roads Int Road Model Intermediate Road Model CityGML 2.0 CityGML 2.0 Translate Extension of Translate National Road model Extension of Extension of Convert Extension of Convert Convert Convert? bsDD for Roads Company Road model ADE for Roads Extension of Project Road model
EXPRESS OWL2 XSD Types, classes CMO W3C Semantic Web Instances XML buildingSmart Initiative W3C Semantic Web Open Geo-spatial Consortium c11 GIS in scope of V-Con? EXPRESS c5 Represented in Represented in OWL2 XSD IFDv16 c6 c13 c3 IFC4 (2x4) Map Map c18 Types, classes Represented in IFC for Infra CMO Instance of Represented in Represented in A1 Represented in c1 IFC for Roads CityGML2.0 c7 IFC for Roads CityGML2.0 Extension of c14 bsDD for S/NL Roads ADE for S/NL Roads bsDD for S/NL Roads ADE for S/NL Roads Instance of c8 Translate Classes c17 Extension of Define Conversions Translate Classes c2 Instance of Instance of Instance of Instance of Instance of Road A=>B Road A=>B Road A=>B Road A=>B c10 c16 Instances Translate Instances Convert Translate Instances Represented in Represented in Represented in Represented in SPFF c9 c15 XML OWL syntax (Turtle, RDF/XML) Represented in Map Map c12 c4
W3C Semantic Web OWL2 CMO Classes in ontologies Instances in a RIM Extension of CMO Represented in Define Conversion IFC for Roads Extension of Int Road ontology c22 Classes in ontologies bsDD for S/NL Roads Nat. Road ontology Extension of c23 ADE for S/NL Roads c21 c25 Extension of Comp. Road ontology Define Conversion Define Conversion Extension of Proj.Road ontology Instance of Road A=>B Road A=>B Road A=>B c24 c26 Convert Convert Instances in a RIM Represented in OWL syntax (Turtle, RDF/XML) bSI in W3C SW OGC in W3C SW
New End-user Software Application W3C Semantic Web OWL2 c18 CMO Represented in Extension of D Int. Road ontology Ontology editor Extension of CBNL Road ontology SE Road ontology c21 Extension of c19 RWS Road ontology TRV Road ontology Extension of SAA Road ontology SBP Road ontology Instance of Road A=>B New End-user Software Application c20 RIM Server c27 Interface Represented in OWL syntax (Turtle, RDF/XML)
CMO: End-User View 8 simple steps …… Start simple STEP1: Setup ontology (header, imports, prefixes/name spaces etc.) STEP2: Model relevant classes UUID name and at least one English label, add multi-lingual labels/comments STEP3: Model datatype properties again UUID and at least one English label, add multi-lingual labels/comments including datatype ranges being an XSD base datatype, a user-defined enumeration datatype or a QUDT ‘quantityKind’ STEP4: Add object properties incl. ranges to other classes (like for topology) Again UUID and at least one English label, add multi-lingual labels/comments Including class ranges STEP5: Connect classes and (datatype/object) properties via Restrictions STEP6: Connect classes among themselves via rdfs:subClassOf Add where possible subclass exclusivity relations STEP7: Connect classes among themselves via dcterms:hasPart Restrictions STEP8: Model defining datatype property values (especially related to sub-classing) CMO-Concept Modelling Ontology
End-user View, graphically Ontology Class Datatype Property, incl. datatype range (base, enumeration or quantitykind) Typical Datatype/Object Property via (cardinality/value) restrictions Specialization Typical Decomposition via via (cardinality/value) restrictions on dcterms:hasPart
Defining new network connection V-Con Use Cases Road Designer Defining Alignment 3 Checking commissioning package Contract Manager Tendering Verifying design Verifying Building progress 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Contractor Designing Building Commissioning 2 Asset Manager Defining new network connection requirements Asset management 1
Advantages V-Con approach OWL technology: future proof State of the art, Fully web-based, Conceptually strong Make maximum use of strengths of existing standards Other standards untouched and keep on developing Others standards can keep focus on their domain Others standards can keep their own dynamics and organization Support national building regulations, practices, standards Create international market for software vendors Use investments made in other countries Together: modelling guidelines, CMO, ontology editor, road information server specs
Next V-Con steps coming months Dissemination: buildingSmart (Oct ‘13), NL, S Use cases, including Systems Engineering Development IFC for Roads Start development object type libraries (nationally, company) Define ontology editor, incl. translations and conversions
Issues to be solved Commitment from other standardisation initiatives Main target: building Smart Initiative NL, S Select international development and maintenance organisation for hub How to deal with IFD / bsDD? Different views on purpose….within bSI Joint development CMO & modelling guidelines
Questions / Suggestions