Awareness and Preparedness Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Awareness and Preparedness In Schools and the Community Presented by Melody Stephens Project ADAM Coordinator Texas Children’s Hospital
Automated Defibrillators in Adam’s Memory Project ADAM Texas Automated Defibrillators in Adam’s Memory Preparing schools today for what could happen tomorrow with a sudden cardiac arrest
Online resources available at Vision: Project ADAM is a National Non-Profit organization committed to saving lives through advocacy, education, preparedness and collaboration to prevent Sudden Cardiac Death. Focused prevention training and education ensures schools and communities are not only equipped, but trained in prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death. Online resources available at Including: Cardiac Emergency Response Plan Template Cardiac Emergency Response Drill Template Heart Safe School Checklist Training Videos
OBJECTIVE: To increase your understanding and awareness of Project ADAM and efforts to prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Death in youth GOAL: You will share the Heart Safe Schools Program with schools in your circle of influence. You will help spread awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest in youth and encourage preparedness. Hands-Only CPR Community CPR/AED
National Affiliates Established Affiliate Sites Children's Hospital of Wisconsin (National Office) U.C. Davis Children’s Hospital Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Florida Hospital for Children Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Cook Children’s Medical Center Texas Children’s Hospital Children’s of Alabama East Tennessee Children’s Hospital Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital Children’s Hospital Colorado Nationwide Children’s Hospital Interested Affiliate Sites {notated in blue)
The Stephens Family April 27, 2012
How can we prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest and death in children and youth? 18 16 Cody Kaitlin 20 Brandon
Bottom line: Most Sudden Cardiac Arrest Deaths are PREVENTABLE!!!! Primary Prevention – Improved Screening by adding ECGs to Physicals (for athletes and non-athletes) Secondary Prevention – Improved Bystander Response with early recognition and Hands Only CPR
Project ADAM @ TCH Timeline Cody Stephens, (son, 18) dies – SCA Parent Heart Watch Conference Dustin Chan (area student,14) dies – SCA Project ADAM at TCH begins 2016 10 schools began Heart Safe Program 700+ people trained in CPR Recognized 2 Heart Safe Schools Over 1,500 trained in CPR First “Save” Reported Recognized 10 Heart Safe Schools
Heart Safe School Recognition
Heart Safe School Requirements: Cardiac Emergency Response Plan Specific written plan for each campus Reviewed and updated annually Cardiac Emergency Response Team Designated Coordinator for program 5+ team members certified on CPR & AED Cardiac Emergency Response Drills CPR/AED practice Drills – 2 per year Drill Review and Feedback for Improvement All Staff Awareness Annual Sudden Cardiac Arrest Education to Staff Compressions Only CPR Instruction
Sudden Cardiac Arrest: It can happen to anyone Average EMS response time is 8-10 minutes The brain can only wait 3-5 minutes
Possible Early Warning Signs Personal history: • Chest pain or discomfort with exertion • Fainting or near-fainting, or possible seizure during exercise Shortness of breath during exercise • Excessive and unexplained fatigue with exertion • Heart murmur, either new or required treatment in the past • High blood pressure Family history: • Unexpected death of family member before age 50 • A relative’s death due to unexplained MV accident or drowning • Family history of heart conditions 19 conditions - Usually unknown until the worst case event Many are genetic : If we find one, we can often find others
A Sudden Cardiac Arrest is NOT THE SAME as a Heart Attack Even though the response is the same _______________________________________________________ Being Unresponsive & Not Breathing Normally are the only 2 criteria needed to start CPR and the use of an AED
Why Chest Compression Only CPR? It saves more lives More likely to survive over: Doing nothing Traditional CPR 12 Sarah Friend Bobrow, et al. JAMA October 2010
Blood Flowing To The Brain Blood Flowing To The Brain Chest Compressions Only Blood Flowing To The Brain Compressions + Breaths (30:2) Pausing for breaths means No Blood Flow Blood Flowing To The Brain Ewy GA, et al. Circulation. 2007;116(22):2525-30.
What Stops People from Doing CPR? Fear / Concern Solution Mouth-to-Mouth Harming the Person Legal Consequences Won’t Perform Properly Physically Unable Chest Compressions Only Better than dead Good Samaritan Law Easier to Do Do Your Best / Call For Help Need to cite in education documentation format Coons SJ, et al. Resuscitation 80;334-340:2009 This study was designed and funded by the Sarver Heart Center The University of Arizona College of Medicine and SHARE
Drills are the best way to test the effectiveness of your plan Goals of Drills Realistic hands-on practice Identify weaknesses or areas needing improvement Build confidence in responders Meet obligations or regulations Increase likelihood of a good outcome in the event of an emergency Drills are a work in progress! There is always room for learning and improving
Conducting CPR/AED Drill Equipment Needed: Drills Manikin (with accessories) Stop Watch/Timer Documentation Sheet AED trainer unit Drill evaluation sheet Unannounced Involve all staff and students Test the Plan Test the Responders Test Communications Gather objective data RN should take role of observer and facilitate debriefing discussion
How YOU can help: In your Work Place In your Community Connect Project ADAM resources with patients/families who may benefit Share Project ADAM program with peers and coworkers that may have connection with our mission Advocate for SCA awareness and prevention issues Share Project ADAM with your local school Become a Site Champion for Project ADAM at your kids school Volunteer to help with CPR trainings Be an advocate for CPR/AED education and SCA awareness
References American Heart Association. (2017). Guidelines for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Retrieved from Coons, SJ & Guy, MC. (2009). Performing bystander CPR for sudden cardiac arrest: behavioral intentions among the general adult population in Arizona. Resuscitation, 80(3). 334-40. doi: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2008.11.024
thank You