2 South 133 Township road South 134 Township road Kanhsi drainage STSP Special District industry support area Special District living service area Tree Valley Park Longitudinal Railway Tseng-Wen River Yenshuei Dajhou drainage Yenshuei Stream drainage Anding interchange Tainan System Interchange Shanhua Interchange Sinhua Interchange STSP STSP Special District 2084 Hsinhua Fault Tainan Mass Rapid Transit System Plan site 247 hectares Tainan County (Tree Valley) New Town Tree Valley
3 FAB1 FAB4 FAB7 LCM4 FAB3 FAB2 FAB5 LCM TFT- LCD The developed Phase I Site and Phase II Site in developing nearby STSP have becomed a LCD-TV industry cluster with 235 site,247 site, LCM site of Chimei optoelectronics and HannSta display. superior production-optoelectronics industry cluster Cluster effects Tree Valley
4 superior production-optoelectronics industry cluster Tree Valley
5 Eco-park Tree Valley Ecological child/parent pool Mandolin Lake Beautiful ecology – the beauty of water and trees Tree Valley
6 Beautiful ecology – the beauty of water and trees Eco park Tree Valley alternative kindergarten Mandolin Lake Tree Valley
7 Beautiful ecology – the beauty of water and trees One hundred thousand (100,000) sapling planted plan the great asset of one hundred thousand (100,000) sapling and twenty thousand (20,000) lifeful technology staff lively wood and light of lake The varied kind of trees grow up and bring many lives. with the cooperation deeply lived here breed together___ Tree Valley
8 Cambridge Water Road in STSP There are varied of water park and offering water activities. water park Varied of entertainment facility in topics of water offers children all kinds of activities. Quality life-humanity and technology Mandolin Lake Tree Valley
9 Quality life humanity and technology happy tour of bicycle in forests. the ecological tour of bird watching with families the tour of music listening by the lake side in the summer night. Tree Valley
10 information security and central monitor Wireless and RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) Telephone host concentration call center service Dorm and shop IT service ISP/ASP service (Internet Service Provider / Access Service Provider service)IT co-location Broadband and co-location service TV/VOD/CATV ; Telvision/ Video On Demand/ Community Antenna Television Video/web page/telephone conference service IP network IP telephone Logistics & supply chain management IP video surveillance Building management Building and IT security management Access Control system Guest reception automatic service Geographic Information System Web/XML portal service Wireless mobile service Logistics process management Dorm and shop IT service Video conference service Cashflow B-to-B exchange service Quality life- humanity and technology Internet park– The integration of IT management and building management Tree Valley
11 END Tree Valley