Preparing for Publication
A writer’s first reward is to finish the manuscript. “I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14
Now What? Prepare Your Manuscript for Submission Be clear about the relationship between author/editor/publisher Review Writer’s Guidelines Which Publishing Channel? Writing a Cover Letter for Your Submission Starting a Blog
Prepare Your Manuscript —Never submit a first draft —Edit. Revise. Rewrite. —Consider having a freelance editor give you feedback —Submit a manuscript that you are confident about and proud of
Author—Editor—Publisher Author: You! The writer is the champion of the idea and the creator of the manuscript. Editor: Your best friend at a publisher. He or she accepts or rejects manuscripts from authors, works with authors and their accepted manuscripts to make any further revisions, and shepherds the project all the way through publication and marketing Publisher: The company that will come alongside an author and share the cost of printing and distributing the book. They have editorial, design, and production staff to create the physical book and marketing/distribution staff and channels to promote and sell the book. They also pay the royalties to the author based on the contractual publishing agreement.
Writer Guidelines and Book Proposal Guidelines Upper Room Devotional Guidelines “Each day's meditation includes a title, suggested Bible reading, quoted scripture verse, personal witness or reflection on scripture, prayer, a "thought for the day" (a pithy, summarizing statement), and a "prayer focus" (suggested subject for further prayer). Meditations should be about 250 words long.”
Upper Room Books: Book Proposal Form Once you have determined that your material shares the objectives of Upper Room Books, please submit a proposal consisting of 1. a working title, 2. a purpose statement; include the need your project intends to meet and list of current competition in the marketplace, 3. a clearly defined audience, 4. a table of contents; use brief annotations to describe proposed content of each chapter, 5. one chapter (only) fully written. Upper Room Books encourages writers to use inclusive language in reference to God and people. Proposals should be typed, double-spaced, and printed out on 8.5" by 11" white paper. Do not staple the pages together.
Potential Publishing Channels Upper Room Devotionals: Abingdon Press: Circuit Rider is a professional journal for the applied practice of Christian ministry for United Methodist clergy. It is published quarterly by The United Methodist Publishing House and sent free to all United Methodist clergy on apointment and retired clergy upon request. For editorial concerns, please email Ministry Matters: To submit a story idea, e-mail Response magazine: Women’s Division | phone-212-870- 3822 New World Outlook: General Board of Global Ministries: 1-800-UMC-GBGM or Email: Call for papers:
Letter to Acquisitions Editor —Be professional —Correct spelling and grammar —Say a word about your credentials and background —Give a brief overview of your idea and why it matters —Include your contact information
Starting a Blog —a great way to begin self-publishing for free —train yourself to write regularly and edit yourself —work out ideas for your book projects —share your blog with one another —invite conversation about your ideas —,