CH8 Cell Reproduction.


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Presentation transcript:

CH8 Cell Reproduction

Why Cells Reproduce Growth of the organism Replace old or damaged cells Maintain cell size Reduce size of cell as it grows Surface area – to – volume ratio

Chromosomes Made up of organized and packaged DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid 2m of DNA in one cell (almost 2000 miles of DNA) genes are segments of DNA (code RNA & Proteins)

In Text Pg 151

A Comparison Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells No true nucleus Single Circular Loop of DNA 23 prs (humans) of Linear DNA molecules Condense with twisting and winding Condense with help of histones

Preparing for Cell Division DNA must be copied, sorted, separated Organelles, in eukaryotes, must be duplicated Prokaryotes go through binary fission

Eukaryotic Cell Division Cell Cycle Repeating sequence of events that occur during the life cycle of a cell Growth DNA replication Division of the nucleus and cytoplasm

Cell Cycle Interphase consist of the 1st three G1 (Cell growth) organelles made S (Synthesis) DNA duplicated G2 (Growth and preparation) Microtubules form Mitosis (Nucleus Divides) Cytokinesis (Cytoplasm Divides)

Interphase Time in this phase varies Controlled by signals from proteins and environment G1 and G2 check points Determine if cell healthy for division Checks for mistakes in DNA copies