Finding Your Pay Advice To find your pay advice, go to in your campus portal. It is a good idea to check you pay advice – you can view your pay advice 5 days prior to the actual pay date.
Viewing a Paycheck – Top Half View Paycheck Know, Didj U Company: University of Colorado Address: 1800 Grant Street, Suite 400 Denver, CO 80203-1187 Reserved for Payroll PRD. Net Pay: $3,530.57 Pay Begin Date: 02/01/2014 Pay End Date: 02/28/2014 Check Date: 02/28/2014 Shows pay period Check here for messages To access data for a different pay period Download as PDF Print View a Different Paycheck Check the mailing address shown; revise if needed Pay Group: Monthly (Benefits eligible) or Bi-Weekly or Daily ON LEFT SIDE - TOP NAME: Check the spelling of your name and if there are changes, that those are reflected appropriately. We are viewing the pay advice of Didj U Know today. ADDRESS: This is your mailing address. If you need to change your address, go to Employee Profile, Personal Info. From there you can change your home and/or mailing address, your phone #, emergency contacts, email address. MESSAGE LINE: If there were any special messages, those would appear here. ON RIGHT SIDE – TOP PAY PERIOD: Shows pay period. Pay Rate Below: Monthly pay for University Staff Exempt is calculated by dividing annual salary by 12; for non-exempt employees pay is hourly salary x # of hours recorded for that pay period. May access different pay periods as noted. MIDDLE PAY GROUP: TAX DATA: Your marital status, exemptions and any additional amount or % as reflected on the W-4 you completed – you can make adjustments as needed (once accessible under Payroll & Compensation). W-4 Information 11/13/2018
Viewing a Paycheck – Bottom Half Shows current & year-to-date totals Employee tax withholdings – federal, state, city Fed MED/EE=Medicare OASDI=Social Security Type of earnings – regular, vacation, sick CU’s contribution to benefits; not an employee deduction Some deductions may be taxable in accordance with IRS regulations Before-tax Deductions are taken before taxes are calculated so txbl wage is reduced; after tax deductions are taken after tax calculations. EARNINGS: Remember that any “off” time is reflected a month in arrears. TAXES: City tax is applicable for employees who work in Denver or Anschutz. TAXABLE DEDUCTIONS: For example, premiums for life insurance over $50K is taxable. Check the last 4 digits of your account # New Sick & Vacation Balances including this month’s accrual 11/13/2018