PRINCIPLES OF GOVERNMENT Chapter 1 Why do we have governments?
ORIGINS OF GOVERNMENT What do you think is the way governments began? Was it from the gathering of weapons? Was it from the first gathering of people? Hereditary or familial ties?
WHAT IS GOVERNMENT? Government Institutions, people, and processes by which the nation-state or political unit is ruled and its public policy is created and administered. Created by the citizens of the Nation-State Nation-State is a political unit, with a defined territory, organization under a government, and authority to make and enforce laws. Nations can be ethnic, linguistic, ideological, and cultural Kurdish Spanish ISIS Steelers Nation
PURPOSES OF GOVERNMENT Protection People are free from outside influences or oppression Public Order Establishment of laws, courts, and police forces to maintain order Resolution of Conflicts Social issues are solved or injustice is righted Stable Economy Regulation of business practices, monitoring of currency and the industry markets Public Services Transportation and communications networks, public health, and citizen welfare
ORIGINS OF GOVERNMENT Evolution Theory Force Theory Extension of Familial relationships, Elders over their offspring Force Theory Conquest of one group by another, more powerful, group Divine Right Theory Rulers inherit power from God Social Contract Theory John Locke – Humans choose to establish order Cooperation and freedom by the people’s power Rulers only have power through the support of the people
POWER IN THE ELITES Elites Marxist Theory Power Elite Bureaucrats Those to control the economy have the power Power Elite Corporate leaders, military officers, and key politicians Bureaucrats People behind the scenes, who make the government work Pluralists Power is split amongst many groups
WHICH WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE? A government well-run by a bureaucracy, where the people you elected to represent you were not the real people making decisions. A secret, select few held power, but ran the country smoothly. You had power in many different people and places (political leaders, military, university elites, businessmen) but the country did not run as smooth as the others?
SPREAD OF GOVERNMENT Political power is spread through: Geography Separate branches/influences Number of people in power
GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Unitary Systems All of the power of the government is held in a single unit or agency Federal Systems Governmental powers are divided between central authority and a number of regional political subdivisions Confederations A weak central government has limited authority, and the regional subdivisions of the country have the most power
SEPARATE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT Separate branches: Legislative and Executive Parliamentary System Executive leaders are chosen by and responsible to the legislature Presidential System The legislative and executive branches of the government are separate and function independently
POWER OVER THE PEOPLE Rule by 1 “Autocracy” fear and intimidation Absolute Monarchy One person rules over the people Hereditary - passed down to the next generation or to family members Other types of Monarchy Limited - meaning they are mostly ceremonial leaders Constitutional - meaning they are given some power through a constitution Dictatorship Rule by one person, who rules through fear and intimidation Often gained power through the military
POWER FOR A FEW Rule by a Few Aristocracy Rule by the intellectual elite Might have the best in mind for the people Theocracy Rule through a religious group or leader Usually have the best in mind for the people Will sometimes claim divine right Political Party One group with similar ideas will rule the country All elected positions are filled with party members
POWER OF/BY/FOR THE PEOPLE Rule by Many Direct/Participatory Democracy Power through all members of society Democratic Centralism Power in one party or ruling group, but free discussion of issues within the group Representative Democracy Power held in representatives speaking for and voted into office by all of society
DANGERS OF THE GOVERNMENT Anonymous and Guy Fawkes Symbols of standing up to governments and corporations Any entity that tries to impose its will on the people Believe in spreading anarchy across the world
DANGERS OF THE GOVERNMENT Anonymous and Guy Fawkes Anarchy A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority Group believes no government is a good government Is it dangerous to be right when the government is wrong? What happens to people who stand up against the government? French Revolution (1789) Russian Revolution (1917) Confederate States of America (1860) Easter Rising (1916)