Symbolization Review
Translating Conditionals Antecedent Indicators if provided that should sufficient conditions Consequent Indicators then results in only if necessary conditions
Translating Arguments Premise Indicators: Since Because For : Conclusion Indicators: So Therefore Hence Thus Consequently :
English synonyms for ‘and’: Translating And English synonyms for ‘and’: But However Although Nevertheless Moreover Yet Even though
Translating Negation Some Synonyms for not A in English: It is false that A A is mistaken A is not the case Negative prefixes: Un unintelligent In indescribable Im immoral
For more click here Translating Or A unless B AvB Neither A nor B -A&-B or -(AvB) Inclusive or: A or B or both (A and B) AvB or (AvB)v(A&B) Exclusive or: A or B but not both (A and B) (AvB) & -(A&B) For more click here