presented by Elmar Vogel


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presented by Elmar Vogel ACC39 operation at FLASH TESLA Technology Collaboration (TTC) Meeting, INFN Milan, Italy, March 2011 How to edit the title slide Upper area: Title of your talk, max. 2 rows of the defined size (55 pt) Lower area (subtitle): Conference/meeting/workshop, location, date, your name and affiliation, max. 4 rows of the defined size (32 pt) Change the partner logos or add others in the last row. presented by Elmar Vogel

Phase space linearization works fine 'DESY News' 21st May 2010: Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View

Performance of the FNAL built ACC39 Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View presently, the maximum operable sum voltage is 22 MV (ø 16.5 MV/m) restricted by interlocks...

Gradient restricting interlocks switching off the rf and the beam Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View

ACC39 is the prototype for the XFEL 3rd harmonic system Major points of interest for XFEL 3.9 GHz design Effects spoiling the transverse beam emittance? coupler kicks? transverse cavity (cell) alignment? trapped HOMs? HOM absorber heating due to RF operation and by beam? remember braking HOM f-parts at first built 3.9 GHz cavities HOMs are equipped with temperature sensors and interlocks! do we get problems at high beam currents? Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View

No distortion of the transverse emittance due to ACC39 Comparison of transverse emittance with and without ACC39 Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View See theses from M. Kuhn, 'Influence of the Third Harmonic Module on the Beam Size‘, Hamburg University (2010)

Former problems with broken double leg f-parts in HOM absorbers Problems with double leg f-parts: therefore FNAL designed single leg f-parts, also used for the XFEL! Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View

temperature readings of HOM absorber flanges During FASH operation: no problems, even with high beam currents > 4 mA bunch number temperature readings of HOM absorber flanges temperature readings at HOM absorber top hat position Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View high beam current and 'normal FLASH' operation

picture of XFEL prototype Conclusion: We are on the right way with the cavity and inner module design! Before you start editing the slides of your talk change to the Master Slide view: Menu button “View”, Master, Slide Master: Edit the following 2 items in the 1st slide: 1) 1st row in the violet header: Delete the existent text and write the title of your talk into this text field 2) The 2 rows in the footer area: Delete the text and write the information regarding your talk (same as on the Title Slide) into this text field. If you want to use more partner logos position them left beside the DESY logo in the footer area Close Master View picture of XFEL prototype picture © DESY