CSC020, Computer Graphics Assignment 4 - Lego (using layers and masks) 1
Using Architectural Images as Visual Lego Blocks We’ve all had a chance to work with the composite image, RL16.psd, using the images for Rohrbach Library and the Ellison Letter Machine Now its your turn to design a composite image with interleaving layers Collect architectural images, possibly including walls, windows, staircases, mall corridors, and other constructs with human-made lines, curves, and repetitive patterns. Pick a main image (like the library) Pick some secondary image(s) (like the Ellison Machine) to use for interleaving 2
Overview Create at least 4 layers: Primary layer derived from your main image Secondary layer from your secondary image that creates an interleaved effect Background layer Additional layer(s) to enhance the imagery with adjustments and/or more elements (possibly from other images) You MUST use adjustment layers with masks to enhance the imagery You MUST do at least one Edit->Transformation as described below 3
Detail Create at least 4 layers Repeat an object somewhere Interleave it with other layer(s) Line up and scale as you go Goal is to give depth perception Rough edit Final edit 4
Adjustment and/or Fill layers You must make use of one or more adjustment and / or fill layers to highlight foreground architectural elements. Document these in your log file. You must make use of one or more Edit -> Transforms such as scale, rotate, skew, distort, perspective, warp, flip, or free transform in conjunction with architectural aspects of the image. Document these in the log as well. 5
Overall Goal The overall goal is to combine regular, repetitive architectural and related structural patterns provided by structures in ways that complement and reinforce those patterns. Interleave a secondary object to give a sense of depth Aesthetics A composition with central focus of the viewer’s attention, with consistent visual elements that add up to a coherent whole, and with visual “Lego blocks” that are individually interesting and that add in an interesting way. 6
Key Elements of Assignment Primary architectural building block Repeated, like the RL16.psd window in Rohrbach Interleaved element Like the Ellison machine Background layer (like the sky in RL16.psd) Use Edit->Transformation and cropping To create the building blocks and interleaved elements Use adjustment layers with masks to enhance and highlight targeted elements …use RL16.psd as a guide!
What to turn in A compressed folder containing your final project in psd format With main layers intact all of the original images used (jpeg, png, …) your README file Describe in your log file the elements you combine, how you combine them (e.g., Adjustment Layers, Transform Perspective), and the final effect that you are going for. Name the folder: FirstLastLego