Data Pipeline Town Hall September 7, 2017 The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Data Pipeline support email is
Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2
Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of email, names, adding phone numbers. Thank you 3
What is PII? Student Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is defined by state and federal laws as information that, alone or in combination, personally identifies an individual This includes direct identifiers (i.e. name, SASID, etc.) Includes information that when combined is identifiable Colorado’s new Student Data Transparency and Security Act introduces a number of new requirements for how Student PII is collected, used and shared CDE has prepared guidance on how to comply with this and other privacy laws which can be found here:
How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions, requirements, etc. Ensure that you are following local policies when transmitting PII to any third party Use secure methods to transfer any PII to CDE Call CDE (303-866-6395) with questions about how to transmit PII securely Use Syncplicity to encrypt emails to CDE Avoid sending PII via unencrypted email or to unsecured faxes when sharing data between or within districts Do not use PII in trainings, presentations, etc. Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords
Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline RITS Student End of Year Title 1 Student October Special Education End of Year Special Education Discipline Special Education IEP 2017-18 Kindergarten Readiness Staff School Discipline and Attendance
Open Collections in Data Pipeline
Open Data Pipeline Collections Year Round Directory RITS EDIS Periodic December Finance Interchanges Staff Student (2016-2017 & 2017-2018) Special Education IEP (2016-2017 & 2017-2018) TSDL 9
Open Data Pipeline Collections 11/13/2018 Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots Teacher Student Data Link (Closes 8/25/2017) Student End of Year for 2016-17 (Initial Submission 9/14/2017) Special Education End of Year (Closes 10/5/2017) Coming Soon Student October (Opens 9/8/2017) 10
RITS There is a heavy volume of cases coming in from across the state. It is taking a few days to review. If it’s been more than 4-5 days then contact the RITS consultant as more information may be needed. Please make sure to include as much information in your submissions as possible such as middle names to expedite SASIDS. If using RITS Web please keep a separate list of who you have submitted as this is not tracked through RITS. If using RITS Pipeline, the SASID Download report will give you the status of SASIDS in review. Thank you for all your hard work on getting your SASID requests in! RITS Contact: Genevieve Hale at
Student End of Year
Info Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – We’re a week away from the submission deadline! Please have an error free snapshot before September 14th and submit the snapshot through the Status Dashboard Screen Known issue: SE069 This error is triggering inappropriately for districts because of a change made for 2017-18 October. It should be fixed by noon today. If you are receiving this error, please recreate your snapshot this afternoon Resolved Issue: Slow Snapshots Performance issues were reported earlier this week, but should now be resolved. Please contact me if your snapshot isn’t processing in a normal length of time!
What’s next. Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – Anderson_d@cde. state. co What’s next? Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – If you have an error free snapshot, please use this time to review your Cognos reports: Student Profile -> Students Missing from IEP Interchange The SPED student column in the End of Year snapshot is pulled from your IEP Interchange file. Please contact your AU if you have students missing from the IEP Interchange. Student Profile -> Homeless Detail Report Review this with staff responsible for Mckinney-Vento grant distribution Student End of Year EOY Student Dropout List EOY Student List - Students from Current AYG Rate reports are not final until December. Please use for validation purposes only at this time
What’s next. Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – Anderson_d@cde. state. co What’s next? Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – Don’t forget some Cognos reports now default to the 2017-18 school year and the file upload option also defaults to 2017-18 You’ll get an email with 0 records loaded for Interchange files you load to the incorrect school year If you get an error with “No Data Found” please make sure that you’re reviewing the 2016-17 school year or the Anticipated Year of Graduation 2017 The Student End of Year Cross LEA Training (2016) Webinar is available if you’d like to review the next stage of the collection.
Info Student EOY – Duncan Anderson – If you have further questions, please visit the End of Year web page for more information: Please email for questions or call 303-866-6970
Title 1 Interchange
Title 1 Interchange Training Webinar We will be having a webinar training on Thursday, September 7th, at 2:30 p.m., which could last as long as one hour depending on the extent of questions and discussion. Please feel free to attend this training, using the URL link and phone number below, and forward this email to anyone in your district or schools who might be interested. Login information: Title 1 Interchange 2016-2017 for EOY: Conference Room Telephone Number: 866-684-8605 Date: Thursday, September 7th @ 2:30 Contact: Donna Morganstern: Phone: 303-866-6209
2017-18 Student October
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-18 Student October Student Interchange Student Interchange is Open Please email me if you have any trouble with the interchange Reports English Learner Historical Reporting (changed) Reflects the changes in EL reporting English Learner Historical Reporting by District (new) Includes all EL students in a district and one year of history Migrant Student List List of all students currently reported as Migrant by CDE Migrant Office Student October Snapshot Opens: Friday, October 8th, 2017 Count Day: Monday, October 2nd, 2017 Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-18 Student October Trainings Regular Training Wednesday September 13 – 9am-10am Office Hours Thursday September 21 – 2pm-3pm Wednesday September 27 – 1pm-2pm Tuesday October 3 – 10am-11am Link: Phone: 855-397-4421 Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-18 Student October Student October Snapshot File Update: COAlt Assessment flag added to snapshot Already in the DEM file Please make sure this field is up to date for October Count Snapshot options have changed Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-18 Student October FAST October Resource Guide Available on FAST website Districts Requesting Waivers or Alternate Count Day CDE will allow districts to apply for a Free and Reduced Lunch Waiver again this year if the count day falls outside of the first 30 school days of the year. Districts may also request an alternate count day from the School Finance division. Requests must be received in writing by September 15, 2017 Send Requests to: Aaron Oberg, School Finance Director Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-18 Student October Student Interchange Date First Enrolled: Modifications to the calculation caused some issues with the SSA file. Changes to the calculation are being made and will be available soon. SP461 has triggered far too often as a result of the calculation problems If you are getting SP461 you may not need to make any changes to your data, just wait until change is made. An email will go out when the change is ready and the new calculation is set. Date First Enrolled in US Cognos Report SASID option added, but not required Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-18 Student October Student Interchange Resolving Errors If you are having trouble with errors in your student interchange please get in touch If you need exceptions Use Exception Request Template Available on Student Interchange Webpage or in Syncplicity folders Upload into Syncplicity and then email me letting me know the file is there to be reviewed If you don’t have access to Syncplicity then please ask me for access, email is best. I will then let you know when the exceptions are ready or if I need more information Upload your interchange files again Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961 2017-18 Student October Friday 15th: Deadline for requesting Alternate Count Day and FRL Variance Waiver from FAST September Monday 2nd: Count Day Thursday 5th: Deadline for first student interchange upload Thursday 12th: Suggested date for error free interchange files Thursday 19th: Deadline for creating first snapshot Thursday 26th: Suggested date for error free snapshot October Tuesday 7th 5pm: Suggested snapshot submission date Friday 10th 5pm: Legislated snapshot submission deadline Tuesday 28th: Last day to resubmit snapshot November Morgan Holmgren – – 303-866-6961
2017-18 Student October More Information on Student Interchange and October Student Interchange Website: Student October Website: Questions Contact Information: Morgan Holmgren 303-866-6961
Special Education End of Year
Special Education EOY – Upcoming Webinars Special Education Reports Webinar: Wednesday, September 13 from 2:00 – 3:00 Login Information: Call-in number: 1-855-397-4421 *email will be sent with more information prior to webinar! Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY – What’s Left? 11/13/2018 Exception requests due!!! Reports Webinar 2-3 ALL ERRORS RESOLVED! Initial Report Review Fix Remaining Duplicates Final Report Review *Final Special Education EOY Snapshot submission due by Thursday, October 5 Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY - Timeline Due Date Today! Thursday, September 7th - All exception requests due to CDE via Sycplicity but send an email to let us know Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY - Exception Errors EXCEPTION TYPE ERROR CODE (S) INFORMATION NEEDED IN "COMMENTS AND EXPLANATION" Grade to Age SY250 Please provide student's age and details of why student is not in an age appropriate grade. EXAMPLE: Student Dropped Out Prior to Age 17 SY247 Please provide the Date of Birth, Date of Exit, and an explanation of details regarding the student's drop out prior to the age of 17 and attempts made to retain the student in school. EXAMPLE: Primary Disability of 11 or 12 and outside acceptable age range SY111, SY112, SY113 Date of Birth, The Sped Part C Referral Code being reported, and an explanation of why the student's disability has not been updated. EXAMPLE: Student Reported in Error on Previous SPED EOY SY108 Date of Exit, Basis of Exit and the reason the student was reported in error on the previous SPED EOY. EXAMPLE: in Error on December Count SY107, SY109 Date of Exit, Basis of Exit, and reason the student was reported in error on the previous December Count. Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education End of Year – Missing Snapshot Records Missing Snapshot Records Report-Check it out! Identifies records missing from snapshot due to: Interchange errors Criteria issues such as excluded PAI codes or mismatched sasids or lasids Records missing from either Child or Participation file Do you have SY107 or SY108 errors? Check this report first! Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY – Next Week A lot going on for Sped EOY Next Week: Tuesday, September 12th –ALL ERRORS RESOLVED interchange and snapshot errors must be resolved so we can start checking for duplicates and get those cleared up Initial Report Review September 12-15 Please review your data and all the reports thoroughly to be sure the information is valid and accurate. Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY- Data Checks Part C Evaluations Check Report #2 Number of Children Referred for Part C Evaluations Reimbursement $ distributed for evaluations completed (row #3 count) Duplicate records with another AU The SY260 Warning will identify these records Exits from Special Education in your AU reported Review report #5 Number of Students Exited by Disability and Discrete Age to verify all exits are making it into your Pipeline file TIP: Compare exit data with your district data respondent Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759 38
Special Education EOY - Data Review Path 2 records (Indicator 12) Part C to B transition kids – referred from Part C services to Part B Special Education Services and started receiving services on an IEP within this reporting period. Students in a Detention Center (reported by AU where Detention Center is located) Any students attending an Allowed Eligible Facility (reported by AU of residence-PAI code of 22) Check WARNINGS Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY - Detention Center Students Be sure to report students attending a Detention Center located within your Administrative Unit or run by your AU. These AUs have a Detention Center: 01040 30011 16010 21020 (located in 21050 but run by 21020) 64143 39031 51010 62060 Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY – Duplicate Reports 2 new Cognos Reports that list records also being reported by another AU (on the same dates) Should match records triggering SY260 Warning (use for now) Duplicate Students Without Exit Date or Exit Code Duplicate Students – Basis of Exit ** reports should be in production again by next week!! Found under Cognos Reports/Special Education EOY Lists the other AU reporting the student too Special Education EOY contact list in your Syncplicity folder Special Education EOY - Lindsey Heitman - (303) 866-5759
Special Education EOY: Questions? Special Education EOY contact information Lindsey Heitman – 303-866-5759 (Primary contact) Kristi Gleason – 303-866-4620 Orla Bolger – 303-866-6896 *Please include your AU #, Error code # (if applicable), and phone number in emails Collection Resources Special Education IEP Interchange: Special Education EOY Snapshot:
Special Education Discipline
2016-2017 Special Education Discipline - CLOSED Kristi Gleason – – 303-866-4620
Please complete the survey coming out this week with your constructive feedback for improvements. CDE values your input!! Kristi Gleason – – 303-866-4620
Kristi Gleason – – 303-866-4620 2017-2018 Look for training this coming fall around school reporting. Kristi Gleason – – 303-866-4620
Special Education IEP 2017-18
2017-2018 Special Education IEP Interchange Kristi Gleason – – 303-866-4620
Kristi Gleason – – 303-866-4620 IEP Training Please plan on joining us for the Special Education IEP Training with the Special Education December Count Collection LENs in mind. October 10th, 2017 To join: Call in number: 1-855-397-4421 Email communication forth coming! Kristi Gleason – – 303-866-4620
Assistance Needed? If you have ANY questions about the Special Education Discipline Data Collection please feel free to contact us. No question or concern should remain unanswered of unresolved. We are just a phone call or email away! Kristi Gleason 303-866-4620 Collection Lead Lindsey Heitman 303-866-5759 Email protocol – please include: District # and Administrative Unit # Phone number where you may be reached Subject of the email NOTE: Never send files or reports via email – contact us to determine best technical assistance avenue. Thank you
Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting 11/13/2018 Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting Upload Slide deck, data reporting fact sheet
Overview of Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting 11/13/2018 Overview of Kindergarten School Readiness Data Reporting Passed in 2008, Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids (CAP4K) requires districts to report school readiness data to the Colorado Department of Education. In March 2016, the State Board of Education voted to adopt a system for reporting school readiness data. The system calls for districts to submit only aggregate readiness information not by domain, but by number of domains in which students demonstrate readiness as illustrated in the following sample table.
Data Reporting Elements As required by Colorado law (Section 22-7-1004 (1)(b) C.R.S.), school readiness includes both developmental and academic areas: physical well-being and motor development, social and emotional development, language and comprehension, cognition, and general knowledge (math and literacy). Teaching Strategies GOLD ® areas: Social-Emotional, Physical, Language, Cognitive, Literacy and Math. The reporting system is intended to provide baseline data for measuring improvement in students’ knowledge and skills over time. READ (HB 15-1323) -If a district administers the READ Act assessment in the first 60 days of the school year, it is not required to administer the literacy component of the school readiness assessment. -Information gleaned from READ assessments administered within the first 60 days can be used to inform the literacy component of the school readiness kindergarten entry assessment. Data can be used from READ to enter data into the KEA survey’s literacy area. -All 6 required areas must be completed in the school readiness assessment for kindergarten entry within the first 60 days.
Data Reporting Elements Data reported to CDE will be from the initial fall assessment window for school readiness, which is the first 60 calendar days of the school year (HB 15-1323). Various assessment tools have been approved by the State Board and are available for use: GOLD® by Teaching Strategies, HighScope Child Observation Record (COR), and DRDP-K. For districts using GOLD®: Kindergarten teachers may complete the initial assessment by using the Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA) Survey in GOLD® for the first checkpoint. Teaching Strategies developed a customized report within the assessment tool that will allow districts to automatically aggregate and report on the state board approved data reporting elements. The report is now available. Please note some districts have obtain State Board approved waivers- these are waivers from the assessment tool and not the collection. The Kindergarten School Readiness (KSR) collection will be open from mid October to mid December. Districts may also use the reduced-item set of objectives and dimensions to complete the KEA. NOTE: Some districts have obtained state board approved waivers from using these assessment tools; however, the waiver is from the assessment tool and not from the collection.
Sample School Readiness Report Determination of School Readiness Data Reporting by the State Board of Education Sample School Readiness Report Data will be disaggregated by school by gender, free or reduced lunch eligibility status, and race/ethnicity
Timeline Goals for September Goals for October Recorded 9/5 webinar for GOLD® users: Please assign KSR-APPROVER role in IdM Important for communications Weekly emails will begin around mid-September for those assigned to the collection (about one month prior to the collection opening) Goals for October Attend training on 10/4 at 4pm, if interested Email out information on 9/27 and will send reminder on 10/4 Anticipated date of the collection opening on 10/11
Further Information Additional information can be found at (in progress of updating these pages): The Data Pipeline website: schoolreadiness The School Readiness website: ent Look under “School Readiness Data Collection” May need to scroll- bottom half of the webpage If you have any other questions or concerns, please email me. I would love to know what questions are on your mind.
Contact Emily Kielmeyer School Readiness & P-3 Program Manager 11/13/2018 Contact Emily Kielmeyer School Readiness & P-3 Program Manager 720-822-0640 Tara Rhodes Early Learning Business Analyst 303-866-6243 58
Staff Interchange & Human Resources Snapshot
Important Dates Interchange opened this week, September 6th Trainings (webinars): September 19th 1 - 2 pm September 26th 10 – 11 am Upload staff profile and staff assignment files at least once by November 16th Interchange files error free by December 21st
Staff Interchange – 2017-18 Profile updates Removed fields: “Years of Prior PreK-12 Teaching Experience Out of State” “Years of Prior PreK-12 Education Experience Out of State” “Subject Area of Degree 4” “Subject Area of Degree 5” Updated fields: “Years of Prior PreK-12 Teaching Experience In State” to include Teaching Experience In State AND Out of State. Field Name is now “Years of Prior PreK-12 Teaching Experience” “Years of Prior PreK-12 Education Experience In State” to include Education Experience In State AND Out of State. Field Name is now “Years of Prior PreK-12 Education Experience”
Staff Interchange – 2017-18 Assignment updates Removed fields: “Passed Colorado State Board of Education Approved Elementary Or Early Childhood Core Content Test” “24 Semester Hours of Secondary Core Content Coursework” “Passed Colorado State Board of Education Approved Secondary Core Content Test In Teaching Area” Added fields: “Demonstrates In-Field Status 1” “Demonstrates In-Field Status 2”
Demonstrates In-Field Status 1 Report the best applicable code for each teacher: Report 00 (N/A) for all non-teaching staff Code Description 01 Subject Area Endorsement on Teaching License 02 Degree (BA or higher) in subject area 03 36 semester credit hours in subject area 04 Passed State Board of Education approved content exam in subject area 06 HQ via 24 semester hours in subject area 05 None (teacher is out of field) best
Demonstrates In-Field Status 2 Report the next highest applicable method for teachers: Report 00 (N/A) again for all non-teaching staff Code Description 00 N/A – no other method applicable 12 Degree (BA or higher) in subject area 13 36 semester credit hours in subject area 14 Passed State Board of Education approved content exam in subject area 16 HQ via 24 semester hours in subject area 15 None (teacher is out of field) best
Demonstrates In-Field Status Crosswalk New document available online at: under ‘Additional Links’ Provides list of endorsement codes and subject area of degree codes linked with the teaching subject area codes. If the teacher has an endorsement listed with their teaching subject area, you may report code 01 in ‘Demonstrates In- Field Status 1’ If the teacher has the degree listed with their teaching subject area but not an endorsement, you may report code 02 in ‘Demonstrates In-Field Status 1’ If the teacher has both an endorsement and a degree, you would report 01 in ‘Demonstrates In-Field Status 1’ and 12 in ‘Demonstrates In-Field Status 2’
Human Resources 2017-18 Fields updated to reflect staff interchange file changes Opens: November 1st 2017 Deadline: February 15th 2018 Contact: Annette Severson 303-866-6824
School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) 2017-2018
Fall Trainings Two webinar trainings coming up: September 19th 10 – 11 am September 27th 10 – 11 am Primary focus will be on the data fields and recording data correctly into systems/files instead of pipeline process
File Updates Most changes to SDA is for CRDC reporting All CRDC related updates are optional – if the information is not provided in SDA, CRDC fields would be 0 or blank for your district If the information is provided in SDA, CDE will pre-populate the applicable CRDC fields New Behavior/Allegation codes are included in the ‘Behavior Statutes and Clarifications’ document found under Additional Resources at iplineattendance
SDA – 2017-18 Summary of Updates Added fields or codes marked as OPTIONAL Will be used to help pre-populate CRDC (Civil Rights Data Collection) files Can be left blank – CRDC files will be pre-populated with zeros in this case Added ‘Free and Reduced Lunch’ status to Attendance file which is required for ESSA reporting Updated ELL Status definition where reported: Indicates if the record is for students who have a Language Background other than English and is currently being served or monitored by a Language Instruction Program. This includes all students who have a language proficiency of Non-English Proficient (NEP), Limited English Proficient (LEP), Fluent English Proficient (FEP) Monitor Year 1, or FEP Monitor year 2.
SDA – 2017-18 Discipline by Action file Updates Updated “Behaviors” to “Behaviors/Allegations” Includes new allegation codes Added new OPTIONAL field “Weapon Description” Updated “Total Number of Incidents” to “Total Number of Incidents/Allegations” 17 Threats of Physical Attack 18 Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sex 19 Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of race, color or national origin 20 Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of disability 21 Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of sexual orientation 22 Allegations of harassment or bullying on the basis of religion No Weapon No weapon was used for reported behavior. 1 With Weapon A weapon is any instrument or object used with the intent to threaten, injure, or kill. This includes look-alikes if they are used to threaten others. Using words that refer to a weapon would not be considered with a weapon. 2 With Firearm or Explosive Device A firearm or explosive device refers to any weapon that is designed to (or may readily be converted to) expel a projectile by the action of an explosive. This includes guns, bombs, grenades, mines, rockets, missiles, pipe bombs, or similar devices designed to explode and capable of causing bodily harm or property damage.
SDA – 2017-18 Discipline by Student Demographic Updates Added OPTIONAL fields: Transferred to Alternative School (for Disciplinary Reasons) Subjected to Mechanical Restraint Subjected to Physical Restraint Subjected to Seclusion Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Sex Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Race or Color or National Origin Students Reported as Harassed or Bullied on the Basis of Disability Students Disciplined for Bullying or Harassment on the Basis of Sex Students Disciplined for Bullying or Harassment on the Basis of Race or Color or National Origin Students Disciplined for Bullying or Harassment on the Basis of Disability
SDA – 2017-18 Attendance Data Updates Added required field: “Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible” Added OPTIONAL field: “Total Days Missed Due to Out of School Suspensions”
SDA 2017-18 File layouts and resources available at: Opens May 2018 Closes June 2018 Contact: Annette Severson 303-866-6824
Thank you for joining us today! Next Town Hall: Thursday, September 14th, 2017 9 a.m.-10 a.m.