Good resistance to lodging High yield potential Good resistance to disease Good resistance to lodging High grading QUEEN Winter Barley FEATURES Agronomic features NUMBER OF ROWS Two PLANT HEIGHT Medium to high TYPE ½ winter-semi alternative EAR EMERGENCE Early EAR HARVEST Frost Resistance Lodging Resistance Erysiphe Graminis Puccinia hordei 7 Pyrenophora graminea Rhynchosporium secalis BaYMV(mosaic) 6 6 6.5 6 T 6 Caption of rating scale: 1 very susceptible//2 susceptible//3 Susceptible to quite susceptible//4 quite susceptible//5 quite susceptible to slightly susceptible//6 slightly susceptible//7 quite resistant//8 quite resistant to resistant//9 resistant Grain quality Use : Feed Straw production : Very high TGW : Medium Protein content : High The information provided throughout this document is purely informative and may vary depending on agronomic and climatic conditions and growing methods.Disease resistance refers to diseases and strains currently known in France.