Structures & textures 1
Today Updates: Evaluation today at end of class Lecture outline: Deformation and textures Timing of crystal growth and deformation
Metamorphic Textures Textures are small-scale penetrative features Relict Textures Inherited from original rock Blastoporphyritic (<-> porphyroblastic) Any degree of preservation Pseudomorphs of minerals or pre-metamorphic textures/structures New Textures (following)
New Textures
Pressure solution
Deformation within a crystal
Point defect
Line defect: edge dislocation
Slip Deformation twins
Recovery Crystals recover from strain by: Migration of Vacancies Dislocations Annihilation (opposite sense dislocations) Polygonization- general term for formation of low-strain subgrains: dislocations gather
Defect migration
Extinctions and subgrains
Recrystallization Simple way to reduce lattice strain Grain boundary migration Subgrain rotation Solid-state diffusion creep at higher T Grain boundary sliding and area reduction Coalescence- recovery and recrystallization by which large grains form by the addition of smaller strained grains by grain boundary migration
Grain boundary migration and sub-grain rotation
Coalescence in quartzite
Examples of pre, syn, post-kinematic crystals
Syn-kinematic crystals Microboudinage: Growing zones try to keep up with stretching and breaking Spiral Porphyroblast: in shear zone shear results in crystal rotation: foliation captured, crystal rotates a bit, grows/captures
Syn-kinematic garnet