U.S. EPA Hardrock Mining Conference 2012: Advancing Solutions for a New Legacy April 3-5, 2012 Denver, CO Douglas Grosse U.S. EPA/ORD/NRMRL
Acknowledgements Doug Grosse, ORD Rob Weber, Region 7 David Reisman, ORD Jim Lazorchak, ORD Shahid Mahmud, OSWER Chris Impelletteri, ORD Barbara Butler, ORD Alina Martin, SAIC Michele Mahoney, OSWER Susie Warner, SCG Gwen Campbell, Region 8 John McCready, ORD Joy Jenkins, Region 8 Cindy Sundblad, Region 8
Can We Efficiently Extract and utilize resources (including by-products) Manage wastes Reclamation/restoration Produce socio-economic advantages Advancing Solutions for a New Legacy Sustainable development that applies to the industrial minerals sector include: How can we extract and utilize resources (including by-products) more efficiently? How can we manage wastes more efficiently? How can we reclame and restore the lands we used for mining more efficiently How can we produce more socio-economic advantages (i.e profitability, closure, liability, etc)? How can we accomplish best practices with maximum economical effects while still incorporating a life cycle approach?
Estimate of Mining Sites in the USA Mining waste generated by active and inactive mining production facilities and its impact on human health and the environment are a growing problem for government entities, private industry, and the general public.
Collaboration EPA Program & Regional Offices NRMRL/ORD Industry Partners States/Tribes Western Governors Association Academia BLM/Forest Service DOE/DOD USGS The MWTP has multiple partnerships industry, academia, BLM, Forest Service, DOE, Western Governors Association. It is critical to the MWTP’s success to collaborate with others. It is also been critical to identify a certain personality type that is willing to try new things: Bill Adams, EPA Region 10 Ken Wangerud, EPA Region 8 Mike Bishop, EPA region * Shannon Dunlap and Bill Upton all with Placer Dome Over the history of the MWTP, we have collaborated with dozens of entities
ORD’s Mining Programs Mine Waste Technology Program Engineering Technical Support Center Technology Transfer Program Two big mining efforts in ORD are the :1.) Mine Waste Technology Program and 2.) Engineering Technical Support Center
Mine Waste Technology Program EPA-NRMRL Technical Direction/Oversight Quality Assurance Oversight DOE Administrative Oversight MSE Applied Research Field Demonstrations Technology Implementation Montana Tech Basic Research The Department of Energy performs the administrative oversight and the National Risk Management Research Laboratory in Cincinnati does the technical oversight. The program is based out of Butte, Montana where MSE-Technology Applications performs the technology demonstrations while Montana Tech does the basic research. We have a Technical Integration Committee (TIC), which includes representatives from industry and state and federal regulatory communities reviews proposals and determines the direction of research within the MWTP. Projects are also peer reviewed by EPA-NRMRL at least twice a year. All final reports are peer reviewed. The MWTP also performs the following functions: Issue Identification Quality Assurance Training/Education Technology Transfer The MWTP is administered from MSE’s Butte, Montana office. The fact that large volumes of aqueous and solid mine waste are available in Butte has provided test beds for MWTP projects. Other locations around Montana have provided the majority of additional sites for MWTP projects.
NRMRL Engineering Technical Support Center Constructed Wetlands Bioremediation MIW Treatment Processes Liquid/Solid Partitioning Electrolytic Processes Sequestration Capping In an era of shrinking funding, treatment technologies must be cost-effective, with low operating and maintenance costs, and be sustainable treatment technologies. ETSC researchers are testing low-cost and innovative biochemical reactors that combine bacterial reactions with chemical processes (lime dissolution) to increase the pH of the acidic mine water. Constructed Wetlands with Bioreactors – Peerless Jenny Mine in Montana Sulfate Reducing Bioreactors – Leviathan Mine Site in California Biochemical Reactors – Luttrell Repository in Montana
ORD Technology Transfer and Outreach 1998 Heavy Metals Contamination Workshop – 150 attendees 1998 Mining Workshop – 300 attendees 1999 Heavy Metals Contamination Workshop – 180 attendees 1999 Pit Lakes Workshop – 240 attendees 2000 Mercury Workshop – 275 attendees 2001 Arsenic Workshop – 70 attendees 2002 Hard Rock Mining Conference – 375 attendees 2003 Workshop on Mining Impacted Native American Lands – 275 attendees 2004 Pit Lakes – 250 attendees 2005 Abandoned Mine Lands Workshop – 100 attendees 2006 Hard Rock Mining Conference – 350 attendees 2007 Abandoned Mine Lands Workshop – Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 1993-2006 Mine Operations, Design, and Closure Conferences These are the major meetings that have come out from ORD…….they are mostly Mine Waste Technology Program sponsored but you don’t need to say that.
2012 Registration by Affiliation Affiliation Type No. of Registrations Percentage Academia 22 6% Consultant 120 31% Federal Agency 116 30% Local Agency 2 1% Non-Governmental Organization Non-Profit Association 18 5% Other 6 2% Private Sector 64 17% Regional Agency 1 0% State Agency 20 Trade Association Tribal 10 3% Total 381 100%
U.S. EPA HRM 2012 Conference Agenda Tuesday, April 3rd Plenary – Doug Grosse and David Reisman, ORD Case Studies – Joy Jenkins, Region 8 Innovative Technology and Techniques – Rob Weber, Region 7 Evening – Poster Session Wednesday, April 4th Remediation and Stabilization: Natural Materials – Michele Mahoney, OSWER Monitoring and Treatment – Erna Waterman, Region 8 Engineering Covers and Capping – Doug Grosse, ORD Metals and Metalloids – Barbara Butler, ORD Rare Earth Elements – Gwen Campbell, Region 8 Sustainability/Life Cycle – Carol Russell, Region 8 Thursday, April 5rd Opportunities for Re-Use and Site Management – Shahid Mahmud, OSWER Closing Remarks and Q&A
U.S. EPA Websites EPA’s Abandoned Mine Lands Program: http://www.epa.gov/superfund/programs/aml Mine Waste Technology Program: http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/std/mwt/ NRMRL: www.epa.gov/nrmrl Some of the mine related websites