Travel and transportation allowances & housing counseling assistance Elements 35 & 36 Pages 179-181
35: travel and transportation allowances Purpose Explains storage and moving allowances for transitioning service members (tsm) and the difference between this move and other moves
35: travel and transportation allowances This is the final move for separating/retiring service members Family centers refer members to base relocation assistance program for info on communities across America
35: travel and transportation allowances Extended housing allowance Eligible involuntary separatee or selected early retirement board retiree Up to 180 days after separation Available at a rental rate Space permitting Contact the base housing office
35: travel and transportation allowances Home of record: where you lived when you joined the military Home of selection: any where in the u.s.
35: travel and transportation allowances Department of defense dependents school extensions Subject to status of forces agreements overseas Each child has completed 11th grade before separation date Members who are involuntarily separated, under certain conditions (us title 10 1141) Medically separated
35: travel and transportation allowances Shipment and storage of house hold goods Eligible retirees and involuntarily separatees (certain conditions) Store and ship for up to 1 full year Shipped to any where in the u.s. Home of record outside of u.s. Outside the u.s. if called to active duty from there All other separatees have 6 months
35: travel and transportation allowances Entitlements Travel must be completed within established time frames (separatees=180 days, retirees= 1 year) Members with less than 8 years or adverse discharges have 6 months Members traveling by pov receive allowances plus flat rate per diem Dla is not authorized
35: travel and transportation allowances Resources Transportation: Milpersman 1320-220 Dodi 1332.36 “plan your move” at ffsc
36: contact info for housing counseling assistance Purpose Make tsm’s aware of housing counseling assistance available through housing and urban development (hud)
36: contact info for housing counseling assistance Military housing Members living in gov quarters must arrange for housing staff to conduct pre-inspection and explain requirements for cleaning and vacating and provide options to accomplish this
36: contact info for housing counseling assistance Rental properties Notify landlord asap Housing office can assist with landlord issues, with military separation
2003 service members civil relief act 36: contact info for housing counseling assistance 2003 service members civil relief act Law that protects military members Some protections extend for a time after discharge and may cover dependents Applies to reservists and national guard (activated)
Termination of residential leases 36: contact info for housing counseling assistance Termination of residential leases Scra allows for the breaking of leases when members join the military, receive pcs orders, or orders to deploy > 90 days Members submit written request with a copy of the orders Termination date is 30 days after the next payment is due
Involuntary seperations 36: contact info for housing counseling assistance Involuntary seperations Authorized to use military family housing for 180 days Space available basis
36: contact info for housing counseling assistance hud Mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for everyone Strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers Provides listings of state resources for assistance on things like avoiding foreclosure, financing home improvements, etc. Committed to resolve homelessness, especially for veterans
36: contact info for housing counseling assistance resources Hud: Va resources: 1-877-424-3838 https://WWW.VA.GOV/HOMELESS/HUD-VASH.ASP