Net Profit and ROE (Millions NIS) Average capital 7,119 4.2%+ 6,833 Common Equity capital (tier 1) to risk weighted assets ratio 9.49% 9.92% * Goodwill amortization amounts to 11 Million NIS In Q1/16 (44 Million NIS annually) and decreases ROE by 0.65% .
Statements of Income I/2016 –I/2015 ((Millions NIS Change in % Gross change I/2015 I/2016 7.9% 41 519 560 Interest Income and Non-Interest Financing Income (79) 12 (67) (Income)/Expenses from Credit Losses (8.4%) (30) 357 327 Commissions (Includes 19 Million NIS decrease in capital market commissions) 11.0% 96 870 966 Total Income after (income)/Expenses from Credit Losses)
Statements of Income I/2016 –I/2015 ((Millions NIS Change in % Gross change I/2015 I/2016 7.6% 49 649 698 Total Operating and Other Expenses (3.1%) (14) 448 434 Salaries and Related Expenses (72) - Decrease in Salaries due to Leumi Agreement- Previous year (7.1%) (6) 85 79 Maintenance of buildings and equipment 17.4% 4 23 27 Depreciation and amortization (5.2%) (7) 134 127 Other Expenses 21.2% 47 221 268 Profit before taxes 24 94 118 Provision for taxes on profit (including 16 Millions non-recurring expense in Q1/16) 17.6% 22 125 147 Net Profit 7.5% 8.5% ROE (0.10%) 0.20% 0.10% Bank of Israel Average Interest Rate 73.6% 77.6% Efficiency Ratio (Total Operating Expenses to Total Income) 81.8% Efficiency Ratio (excluding the effect of Leumi agreement last year)
Operating & Other Expenses (Millions NIS) Continuing decrease in all operating expenses I/2016 I/2015 (23) 3.2%- 14- 3.1%- * (Includes non recurring expense (of 16 millions NIS 3- 24 6- *Excluding Leumi agreement affect in Q1/2015. ** Q1/16 tax expenses includes non-recurring expense of 16 Million NIS, due to the decrease in the corporate tax rate on deferred tax balances.
Deposits from the public The Development in Balance Sheet, Equity, Credit and Deposits - end of period ((Billions NIS Credit to the public Deposits from the public Capital attributed to the shareholders of the Bank Balance sheet Leverage ratio at 31/3/16 is 5.44% 0.9%+ 0.6%+ 2.7%+ 2.0%+
Credit to the Public by Business Segments (Millions NIS) Rates of Change compared to 31/3/15 31/12/15 31/3/16 8.8% 0.9% 18,093 Private Clients (excluding mortgage) 10.8% 2.6% 20,957 Mortgages 9.9% 1.8% 39,050 Credit to Private Clients -1.7% 3.4% 21,339 Corporate 4.9% 4.2% 14,145 Commercial and Small Businesses 5.4% 2.7% 74,534 Total Credit to the Public () – 31/12/15 Credit to private Clients to total credit- 52%
Expenses for Credit Losses to Credit to the Public Ratio FIBI Other 4 leading Banks Includes an Implementation of Bank of Israel directives regarding group provision
Credit risk due to Problematic Debt (Millions NIS) 31/3/16 31/12/15 31/3/15 Gross Change compared to 31/12/15 Change compared to 31/3/15 Impaired Credit Risk 971 922 910 49 61 Inferior Credit Risk 178 265 240 (87) (62) Credit Under Special Supervision Risk 986 1,032 1,585 (46) (599) Total Problematic Credit Risk 2,135 2,219 2,735 (84) (600) Ratio of the provision for credit losses to impaired credit to the public not accruing interest income (NPL coverage ratio) 103.8% 107.9% A decrease of 4% in total Problematic Credit Risk in Q1/16 (22% decrease compared to Q1/15)
Equity Capital (core tier 1) Ratio- Capital Adequacy Equity capital (core tier 1) ratio target at 31/12/17 10.75% * 10.50% 9.15% 9.8% 9.28% * 14.30% 14.57% 13.42% 13.42% * * The data is updated to 31/3/16.
FIBI Strategic Assets & Liabilities composite (*) FIBI Strategic Assets & Liabilities Structure (NIS Billions) FIBI Strategic Assets & Liabilities composite (*) 31.3.16 (NIS Billions) 31.3.16 Capital to Risk Assets Total Ratio equity capital (tier 1) to risk components ratio Deposits to Credit Ratio Liquid Assets to Deposits Ratio 12.92% 9.92% 139.3% 41.1% Liquidity Ratio (LCR) 105% 31.12.15 13.26% 9.81% 142.3% 42.0% 104% Public Deposits 103.9 Credit to the Public 74.5 State of Israel Bonds 9.2 Bank of Israel Deposits 26.5 Gov. & Bank deposits 2.3 Capital Notes 5.7 Capital Available for Investment 5.6 Corporate and banks Bonds (foreign & Israel currency) 1.1 Bonds of foreign countries 3.8 Structures, Hedge Funds &Stocks 0.3 Market Risk in VAR(0.2) (*) For iIllustration only – not to scale
Main events in the last year – The merger of UBANK & PAGI with FIBI UBANK merging The merger of UBANK ended successfully on 30/9/15, while maintaining the brand name – a leading brand in private banking PAGI merging The merger of PAGI ended successfully on 31/12/15, while maintaining the brand name – a leading brand in ultra-orthodox sector Dealing with regulatory barriers Done Reducing employees in the headquarters- the main part was done in Q4/16 following the merger of UBANK Done Improving the group synergy on the revenue side In process Following the mergers an increase in client activities with PAGI & UBANK clients in Q1/2016 and is expected to grow on next quarters In process Improving the group synergy on branch network In process Reducing group’s real estate space In process
Highlights for Q1/2016 Net Profit Group Net Profit in Q1/16 was 147 Millions NIS compared to 125 Millions NIS in Q1/15, an increase of 17%. The ROE in Q1/16 is 8.5%, compared to 7.5% in Q1/15, and 6.5% in 2015. Goodwill amortization of about 44 Millions NIS detracts about 0.65% from the ROE. In 2016 an amount of approximately 36 Millions NIS (0.5% ROE) from the goodwill amortization will end on Q3/16. The provision for taxes on profit includes a non-recurring expense of 16 Millions NIS regarding corporate tax decline. Equity Capital (tier 1) Ratio Increase in equity capital ratio (tier 1) 9.92% vs. a ratio of 9.81% in 12/2015. A 3.2% decrease in total group expenses compared to Q1/15 (excluding non-recurring income regarding leumi Agreement) Continuing trend of decrease in the bank expenses, in scale of 23 Million NIS. A reduction in all of the expenses sections. Salary expenses decreased by 14 Million NIS.
Highlights for Q1/2016 Credit Growth and also growth in the client’s investment portfolios An annually growth of 5.4% in credit balances and 2.7% on Q1/16. Growth in all customers segments: 8.8% annually increase in credit balances to private sector (excluding mortgages loans) Continuing growth in mortgages – 10.8% annually increase 5% annually increase in credit balances to commercial and small business (Middle Market) credit 1.7% annually decrease in corporate credit. Increase of 3.4% in Q1/16. An increase of 2 Billion NIS in client’s investment portfolios, Despite the negative trend in the capital markets. Decrease in expenses for credit losses Income from credit losses of 67 Million NIS in Q1/16 versus an expenses of 12 Millions NIS in Q1/15. The Income this quarter is primarily a result of a decrease in the expenses for credit losses on a collective basis. High NPL ratio and decline in problematic credit risk High Ratio of provision for doubtful accounts versus non-performing credit (including mortgages) 103.8%. Decrease of 4% in total problematic credit risk in Q1/16 (22% decrease compared to Q1/15).
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