SHOULD WE EXPECT A FURTHER BATCH OF REQUESTS FOR REGIONAL DEVOLUTION ? DEVOLUTION : the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level especially by central government to local or regional administration.
Which process for devolution ? WHAT WHY HOW Trends for decentralisation / devolution in Europe: 70’s-2000’s Unitary states with different degrees of devolution Spain # Catalonia # Basque Country UK # Scotland # Wales Italy # Padania France # Corsica Federal states Germany # Bavaria Belgium (1983) # Flanders States’ perspectives Political reasons Economic reasons Religious reasons Territorial organisation Efficiency Regions’ perspectives Linguistic and cultural reasons Economic and financial reasons Which influence from the EU? Principle of Subsidiarity Founding Fathers: local democracy = best way to struggle against authoritarism Maastricht: Council of regions Reducing financial and human functioning costs Resisting economic crises more easily To stimulate growth To boost local initiatives Reducing environmental damages
WE SHOULD EXPECT A FURTHER BATCH OF REQUEST FOR REGIONAL DEVOLUTION BECAUSE… The European Insitutions strongly encourage a devolved territorial organisation European Charter of Local Self-Gov. It’s a safeguard for democracy gives the citizens a voice and makes them actors of their own governance It’s easier to manage territories when it’s devolved subsidiarity principle It goes along with the trends of the decade : Nation-States are declining a bit when regions are being empowered. BUT THERE ARE STILL SEVERAL OBSTACLES BEFORE DEVOLUTION CAN HAPPEN FULL SCALE IN EUROPE Regions have little decision-making power with the EU policies Devolution can lead to independence and secession which is forbidden and hughely problematic Some political leaders might want to use devolution as a mean of withdrawal and identity politics.
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