What, of this goldfish, would you wish? Review rotations
Station A: Vocabulary Definition + Sentence for each: 1. Poignant: Step 1: Write the vocabulary definitions for the bolded terms in the textbook. Step 2: Write a short sentence correctly using each word. (You will find these definitions on the right side of the text) Definition + Sentence for each: 1. Poignant: 2. Wizened: 3. Beleaguered: 4. Fluent:
Station B: Figurative Language In the story, find three examples of figurative language. This can be an example of a simile, metaphor, alliteration, oxymoron, idiom, personification, etc. Make sure to cite the page number and paragraph. 1. “____________________________,” (Page __, Paragraph ___) Example of a(n) ______________. 2. 3.
Station c: Analysis of characters Answer the following in full sentences: 1) What does the dialogue between Sergei and the goldfish reveal about their relationship? 2) When Sergei realizes that Yoni is dead, he must make a decision. What conflicting motivations must he sort out before he can decide whether or not to use his last wish? 3) Why does Sergei save his final wish for so long? What does this mean for his future with the goldfish?
2) What other theme can we attribute to this tale? Station D: Theme Answer the following: 1) What theme about happiness does this story convey through Sergei’s situation and actions and the outcome of events? 2) What other theme can we attribute to this tale?
Station e: Inference When we infer, we use details in a text to draw a conclusion about something that the author does not state directly. 1) What were Sergei’s first two wishes? Provide citation (Page, Paragraph) 2) What can we infer about Sergei’s character based on the way he uses his first two wishes?
Station F: Reader Response Answer the following: 1) What was your reaction to Sergei’s violence and unexpected act? 2) Which character do you sympathize with the most? Why is this? 3) Do you think that it was selfish for Sergei to hold onto the Goldfish for such a long time? Why/why not?