Aim: Describe the extent and weaknesses of Napoleon’s empire
Napoleon Creates an Empire Napoleon wanted to control the rest of Europe & reassert French power to the Americas 1789: Ideas of revolution reached planters in Saint Domingue Demanded that National Assembly give the inhabitants freedom Civil War erupted & enslaved Africans under Toussaint L’Ouverture seized control of colony 1801, French forces devastated by disease After failure, Napoleon cut loses in Americas Sold Louisiana territory to the US in 1803 to President Jefferson for $15 million 2
Conquering Europe Having abandoned imperial ambitions in the New World, Napoleon turned attention to Europe Fearful, British persuaded Russia, Austria, & Sweden to join against France Napoleon crushed the opposition and forced the rulers to sign peace treaties The Battle of Trafalgar Napoleon lost only one major battle Naval defeat was more important than all of Napoleon’s victories on land Destruction of French fleet had 2 major results Ensured the supremacy of the British navy Forced Napoleon to give up his plans for invading Britain 3
The French Empire 1812: the only areas of Europe free from Napoleon’s control were Britain, Portugal, Sweden, and the Ottoman Empire Napoleon controlled numerous independent countries including Spain, Grand Duchy of Warsaw, and a number of German kingdoms The powerful countries of Russia, Prussia, and Austria were loosely attached to Napoleon’s empire through alliances Easily manipulated by threats of military action The French Empire was huge but unstable Napoleon was able to maintain it for only 5 years 4