Teaching Listening
Listening In the Classroom Listening is the skill that children acquire first. It is the first and main source of language (provide as much visual backup as possible) Listening input “disappears”. In reading you can go back and check.You cannot “re-listening”. (Say things clearly and find ways to repeat) If you are a listener you cannot decide how fast you work.Concentration is the key.Can children concentrate for long periods of time? ( don’t overload)
Listening In the Classroom When we listen to conversations we react to that inmmediately. we nod our hears or we say that we don’t undestand. We don’t wait until the end of the conversation to check comprehension.(listen and do activities are more realistic)
Listen and DO activities (undestanding is linked to an active response)
Other Listen-and-do Activities
Now let’s do it in our classrooms!
Pre-activity: Think of your students and the curriculum of the courses you guide and design a listening activity taking into account the aforementioned principles.
During the activity: Observe carefully and critically and take notes . How do your students react to the activity? What ‘s the interaction discipline like? Do they understand your instructions? How long did you take? Are you and your learners using the target language (English)? How do you feel conducting the activity - Any other issue that you consider relevant
After you implement the activity: Reflect: What went well? What didn’t go so well? What would you do differently next time?
References Halliwell, S. (2008). Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. Pearson Education Limited. Scott, W and Ytreberg, L (2009). Teaching English to Children. Pearson Education Limited.