Standards based Geometric Reasoning and Proofs Parallel and Perpendicular Lines Triangle Congruence Properties and Attributes of Triangles Polygons and Quadrilaterals Similarity Right Triangles and Trigonometry Extending Perimeter, Circumference, and Area Spatial Reasoning Circles
Math content builds on what has previously been mastered. It is essential to do daily assignments. Assignments are posted in class as well as on our website. Click on Faculty, DeRoads, Calendar. Absences and late work are the students responsibility. Absent work is given full credit. Late work is given 70%. Unacceptable work is given back to Redo for Credit. Assignments MUST be done in pencil
Go to User word is: dgeometry Password is: eagles You may also use the direct link from my school web-site
Grades are 20% homework, class work, notebook, and extra credit, 80% quizzes and tests. A % A 97-93% A % B % B 86-83% B % C % C 77-73% C % D % D 67-63% D % F 59-0% Citizenship grades are based upon compliance with the school and classroom rules. Grades will be posted in the classroom. You may also go to the link to view grades.
Go to Click the Students and Parents log in. Click on Single Class In the Class Word field, enter the number of the period you wish to view, followed by -deroads For example, period 1 would be: 1-deroads Click Enter. Enter your students school ID # in the Student Password Field. Click log in.
Please check to see that your student is writing down and completing daily assignments. Use the web site to double check on assigned work. Ask questions about daily lessons, Can they explain what they learned to you? Adequate supplies are their tools for success. They should have paper, pencils, calculator, and a red correcting pen EVERY day. Please check their supplies on a regular basis.
All students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is conducive to creating a positive learning atmosphere for the entire class. Rules 1. Follow directions the first time they are given 2. Be seated, ready to work BEFORE the bell rings 3. Keep hands, feet, objects to yourself 4. Bring necessary supplies to school each day 5. No putdowns, harassment or inappropriate language Rewards 1. Praise – Lots of it!! 2. Positive notes, reports, phone calls 3. Special Privileges (within school policy) 4. Special Motivators Consequences 1. First time a student disrupts – Verbal Warning 2. Second time a student disrupts – Name written on the board 3. Third time – Check by name. Sign behavior log. Two minute detention after class Fourth time-Lunch detention, referral, and or Administrative Escort called Severe Administrator, or designee sent to escort student to office. Referral. Parent contacted
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or information about your child that could better help me relate to him or her. You may me at You may phone me at (760) X3256.