Day 1: Getting Organized Fall 2011 Instructor: Mike O’Dell
Instructor/GTAs Mike O’Dell Office – 631 ERB Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM Other times: when available in lab (208A ERB), or by appointment Email: Include “CSE4317” in the subject line GTAs: Chris McMurrough/Jonathan Rich
Who is this guy? Retired Navy Commander IBM: lead programmer, project manager, program manager, development manager (~ 10 years) Product development senior management (~11 years), public and private companies Dell, VP Development (laptops, desktops) VTEL General Manager, Systems eOn Communications, President and CEO Bynari, Inc – Chairman and CEO Senior Lecturer at UTA since 2001 CSE 4316
Class Attendance and Participation Attendance is expected for all classes and labs (and all of your team activities) It’s better to come to class late than to not come at all Participation (engaging in discussion, asking questions, etc.) is expected As in Senior Design I, both of these will affect your grade for this class Total: 10% of grade
Grading: Components/Weights Attendance (6%): All classes and labs <= 2 absent/tardy = 100 3 – 4 absent/tardy = 80 >4 absent/tardy, 0 Participation (4%): All classes and labs >90% = 100 (actively contributes most every day) 75 – 90% = 90 (actively contributes every week) 50 – 75% = 80 (sometimes contributes) 25 – 50% = 70 (seldom contributes, but sometimes) <25% = 0 (barely noticeable)
Grading: Components/Weights Individual Deliverables (30%): Individual Status Reports Earned Value (your contribution to the Project) Engineering Notebook reviews Panel Presentation Any other individual assignments or classroom exercises as assigned Team Deliverables (30%): Team Status Reports Development deliverables per slide that follows Final Project Review: Final Exam (30%)
Major Team Deliverables for SD II Team Status Reports Architectural Design Specification (System) Detailed Design Document and Review (Module/Component) System Test Plan Document and Review Final Product (working prototype) Wrap-up Materials ~15% ~25% ~20% P/F
Architectural Design Specification Specifies “the overall structure of the software and the ways in which the structure provides conceptual integrity for a system” (Pressman) Provides the framework for detailed design: the hierarchical structure of the system components (modules) the relationships and interactions of these components the elements and structure of data used by the components
Detailed Design Specifications Interface specifications for each module (sub-program) Documentation prologue for each routine Pseudo-code for each routine Physical data structure and data file specifications Packaging specifications Test plan for each module and sub-system
System Test Plan A System Test Plan validates that all requirements have been met It includes: Introduction; Approach; Test items; Features/requirements to be tested; Features/requirements not to be tested; Item pass/fail criteria; Test deliverables; Testing tasks; Environmental needs; Responsibilities; Test Schedule; Risks and contingencies; Approvals required.
Exams/Quizzes No exams or quizzes are planned for Senior Design II. However, some classroom exercises will be graded as individual deliverables Ethics exercise Team assessment exercise Final Project Presentation is, in effect, your final exam! 30% of your final grade You will receive team and individual scores
Homework & Lab Assignments Due as specified in the assignment document, or as specified in class If turned in after due date/time there will be at least a 20% late penalty Will be accepted late until 5PM of the date due. After due date, grade is zero. Any out-of-class work must be “typed” per specified standard – handwritten work will not be accepted.
Engineering Notebook You are required to maintain an Engineering/ Project Notebook through the project. This is an integral part of your project, therefore it will be used as a component of your grade on Individual deliverables. Good record keeping is necessary for process improvement, and process improvement is necessary to be a good engineer/developer. Your notebook should be brought with you to all lab/class sessions. Notebooks are subject to inspection and grading by the GTA/Instructor at any time, without notice. Team leaders will review, on occasion
Grading: Overall Grade Each course component has a certain number of points assigned Grading is based on standard 10% scale Example: if there are 400 points available for Team Deliverables, then: 360 – 400 points is an A for that component 320 – 359 points is a B 280 – 319 points is a C 240 – 279 points is D < 240 points is failing See the syllabus for other details
Ethics Today, I assume that you all are honest and ethical If you give me reason to believe that you are not, the UTA Engineering College Code of Ethics will be enforced. You may assist your fellow students, (in fact, this is encouraged and expected) You may not allow your fellow students to copy your work, and you may not copy theirs. Unauthorized shared work will be treated as cheating.
Class Website All presentation materials and class information are posted here Check it at least every class day
Assignment for First Lab SD I Post-Mortem/Lessons Learned Come prepared to discuss the lessons YOU learned in SD I and your plans to utilize those lesson in SD II This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment Hand in one-page summary of your “Top 3” lessons learned (typed per SD standard). Make a copy! Each person will be given 3-5 minutes to discuss to lessons learned with the class (SD1 and SD2) in lab next Friday, 9/2/2011.
REMEMBER Your ADS Reviews are scheduled beginning in two weeks, so check your dates and start getting ready today. Other review dates are set… pick yours now and email me (if you haven’t done so already, get together with your team and do this soon!) See Website (Process Steps) for available dates
New Lab/Work Area (ERB 208) For lab access you will need your badge/ ID and your self service PIN number. Swipe your badge, then key in 5-digit PIN If you don’t know your PIN, you can get it by: going to clicking “VIEW INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNTS”, logging in with your MavID and password Your PIN will be shown with other account information CSE 4316