Culture Spring Workshop #3
Warm-up: Walk/Stop Walk - Stop Clap - Jump Touch your head - Say your name Turn in a circle - Touch your toes
Debrief: Walk/Stop Did you find this activity difficult? What was the most difficult part? Is it hard to break out of the roles and habits that we have been taught? Can you think of other examples from your life when you have had this difficulty? What did you do? Is it difficult when meeting new people who have different habits from you? What skills were important in this activity, and how are these important skills for leadership?
Workshop #2 & The Story of Stuff What was the most surprising thing you learned from our Globalization workshop and the "Story of Stuff"? Walk us through 5 things you did in your day that had a global connection Is there any part of your life that will change as a result of having done this process?
My People Are… Poem Think about the following things & write them down: images of your neighborhood family traditions names of foods & dishes that remind you of family gatherings sayings from friends and family names of relatives & ancestors favorites: pet, color, song, movie, etc. What home means to you
My People Are…. Poem Start each line of your poem with "My people are ____________" and then fill in the blank. Your poem should be between 10-30 lines
Let’s Share! How are you similar from your partner? Different? In what way is culture reflected in your poems? Are there ways your cultural background gives you unique strengths? What new appreciations about others did you discover as a result of hearing others’ poems?
Bias/Discrimination With what cultural/ethnic/community groups do you identify? Have you ever experienced discrimination or bias? Have people made judgments about you based simply on your group membership? What are some biases people hold about some groups? Is this fair? What are some things we can do to combat prejudice both locally and globally?
Culture Clues CULTURE
Definition: Culture Culture is a system of beliefs, values, and assumptions about life that guide behavior and are shared by a group of people. It includes customs, language, and material artifacts. These are transmitted from generation to generation, rarely with explicit instructions.
Small Group Discussion How do you think you learned your culture? How do you think your culture has shaped you? How has it influenced your values, preferences, and beliefs? Despite the differences in culture between you and people from Nicaragua, what are some things that you may have in common? How does culture shape the way we see the world, ourselves, and others? How may culture shape how you will see people you meet on your journey? How does culture shape the way those people may see you?
Cultural Iceberg
Cultural Iceberg Which features of culture were difficult to place? Which did the group disagree about? Looking at the iceberg, what relationships can you see between the observable and non-observable items/ How are visible behaviors influenced by underlying values and assumptions? Can you draw connections between behaviors a/assumptions? What are some ways you can break down your assumptions? How are they challenged as you learn more about another culture? Can you identify some assumption you have about Nicaragua?
Reflection Answer these in your journal: How were the 3 C's of commitment, courage, and compassion exemplified in what you learned about today or in your extension activity from last workshop? How did others in your group demonstrate one or all of the 3 C's today? Please reflect on your own 3 C's since our last workshop. Which C do you feel like you demonstrated most? Provide a specific example. Which 3C do you feel like you need to work on and how will you work on it specifically?
Extension Choose an activity that extends your knowledge and understanding of your country’s culture: Connect with a person who culturally identifies with Nicaragua/DR/Ecuador and interview them Eat at a cultural restaurant Visit a mural Watch a film Read a book