www.moneillo.co.za We provide best quality and affordable rehabilitation equipments for all those who need it, including the aged, the disabled as well as their caregivers
Introducing Moneillo Medequips is a new medical and rehabilitation company based in North west. We aim to the provide best quality and affordable rehabilitation equipments for all those who need it, including the aged, the disabled as well as their caregivers
Easy access to medical and rehabilitation equipments will also make life a lot easier for Caregivers who have to nurse their sick loved ones. Protective items such as gloves and masks shouldn't only be available for those that are in the hospitals, but also for everyone whos taking care of a sick, disabled or elderly loved ones. Moneillo aims to transform and improve the lives of those who could benefit from these equipments
About the Good Doctor Moneillo was opened in 2017 by Dr Loeto-Mogapinyane after she identified a need for medical and rehabilitation equipments in rural areas. As an experienced former physiotherapist and now a medical officer, Dr Yvonne Loeto-Mogapinyane, the founder and CEO of Moneillo Medical -Rehab Equipment has a deep and passionate understanding of extended patient care, especially care in the home after coming out of hospital or leaving the doctor's practice Visit our website www.moneillo.co.za to view more about us
Products Available Mobility and Ambulation From Wheelchairs, Walking frames, Aluminium elbow crutches for adults to Arm sling Braces & Joint Support Knee braces, Wrist supporting braces, Modern knee braces, Ankle supporting brace Wrist brace and joint , Elbow support, etc Health, Safety and Infection Control Disposable gloves, Adult diapers, Glucometers, Weights, Face masks, Linen saver, Nebulizer, and more Visit our website www.moneillo.co.za to view more products and combos
Articles Visit our website www.moneillo.co.za to read the article There's more to patient care than giving medication and sending the patient home. Holistic approach is the key. Written by Dr Loeto Many people would believe that patient care begins and ends in the hospital ward or the doctor's surgery. True, a handful of painkillers and other drugs can be prescribed with the usual "take 3 times a day after food" instructions, but that is not enough. Doctors, our role does not end there. Medical practitioners should take a more holistic approach, appreciate that once a patient has left their sight they are still and will remain their patient for some time after. Visit our website www.moneillo.co.za to read the article
Visit our website www.moneillo.co.za Contact Us Email: moneillomedequips@webmail.co.za Tel: 078 372 8388 Fax: 086 572 1085 Address: 6c leyds street, Rustenburg East end, 0299 Visit our website www.moneillo.co.za