Open for Business December 2011
Being Open for Business is a Priority for the City of Hamilton Mayors Open for Opportunity Task Force City of Hamilton Corporate Strategic Plan PED-Departmental Business Plan City of Hamilton – Corporate Priority Plan Senior Management Team (SMT) Work Plan
The Citys One-Stop for Business Services
Why One-Stop for Businesses? Corporate-wide strategy Enhance and improve customer service One location saves businesses time and money Offers complimentary services that assist businesses at all stages in their development or expansion
Who Does One-Stop Serve? Business Owners Development Industry Prospective business owners and the general public
What are One-Stops key services? 1.Small Business Assistance: Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC) 2. Business Facilitation: Development Planning Section – municipal applications and processes 3. Business Licensing: Municipal Law Enforcement – Licensing and Permits team
Understanding the Three Key Services
SBEC Background Provided assistance to small businesses in Hamilton since 2001 Receives 39,223 general inquires/year May 2011 – Sept –Business Facilitation Inquiries – 2643 –Business Facilitation Meeting – 106 –Business Licences Inquiries – 3427 –Created 725 jobs in 2009
Business Facilitation
Business Facilitation: The Big Picture The key role of the Business Facilitators is to provide an overview of what to expect for your particular planning process including: Timelines Required Applications Costs
The Licensing counter at the One-Stop is primarily focused on new businesses, but will also process licence renewals Staff help businesses: Understand if their business needs to be licensed; Find out what their business needs to become licensed; and Process business licence applications
Next Steps for One-Stop Continue to revise and enhance processes and services Track and collect feedback from the business community and associations Expand promotional efforts for the physical and online presence
Open for Business Review & Council Sub- Committee
Oct. 11, Report PED11176 Open for Business Review a)That an Open for Business Sub-Committee, reporting to the General Issues Committee, be established to oversee the Open for Business Review, as per the Senior Management Team (SMT) Workplan (Report CM11005); b)That the Sub-Committee be comprised of four (6) members of Council, and that the appropriate City staff be made available as resources to the Sub-Committee; c)That Councillors C. Collins, L. Ferguson, R. Pasuta, M. Pearson, R. Powers and T. Whitehead, be appointed to serve on the pen for Business Sub-Committee; d)That the Open for Business Terms of Reference, included as Appendix A to Report PED11176, be referred to the Open for Business Sub-Committee for consideration and approval.
Open for Business Sub-Committee Mandate To review the City of Hamiltons overall Open for Business effectiveness, with the goal of streamlining the processes within the PED Department and other City Departments, to create consistent, predictable, and customer-focused services that encourage investment of small and medium sized enterprises and entrepreneurs in the City of Hamilton.
Open for Business Sub-Committee Objectives 1.Develop an Open for Business Program focus on small and medium sized enterprises and entrepreneurs minimizing and streamlining of processes 2.Ensure a One-Stop for Business Services 3.Ensure that the processes lead to an overall Open for Business environment in all parts of the City
Open for Business Scope of Work and Deliverables 1.Review the current services, structure, staffing resources, core functions, and key services 2.Integration between the Divisions and Departments - One-Stop- Shopping principle 3.Review application processes Zoning Verification Building Permit Site Plan Approvals Licenses Sign Permits Variances
Open for Business Scope of Work and Deliverables 5.Expectations of City Requirements Processes Fees 6.Review fee structures 7.Review the City of Hamiltons website 8.Review measurements and/or indicators for evaluation
Open for Business Early Indicators of Success
Open for Business Sub-Committee Early Indicators 1.Agreement on Key Issues to be Addressed 2.Dynamic Staff and Council Involvement 3.Use of Real-Life Examples and Focus Groups
Open for Business Sub-Committee Preliminary Issues 1.Customer Focused Service 1.Checklists 2.Referral for Professional Services 3.Website Enhancements 2.Integration of Processes and Service 3.Business outreach Program and Promotion 4.Fee Review 5.Rural Issues
Early Success Temporary Occupancy Policy Will assist businesses in interim periods, where final approval of the City's comprehensive Zoning By-Law Program or a submitted Zone Change Application is expected to permit the business use to permit the issuance of business licensing and sign permits for such use, subject to several key conditions.
–The City of Hamilton IS Open for Business Economic Development Successes Established One-Stop for Business Services –There is more to be Done… Open for Business Sub-Committee –Open for Business success should be viewed On-Balance
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