Official end: September 2, 1945 The end of World War II Official end: September 2, 1945
The European Theatre St. Paul’s cathedral post wwii St. paul’s cathedral today
Devastation Direct War Costs Military Killed/ Missing Civilians Killed United States $288 billion 292, 131 (plus 115,187 died from non-battle causes) - Great Britain $117 billion 272,311 60,595 France $111.3 billion 205,707 (before surrender to Nazis) 173,260 (includes murdered Jews) USSR $93 billion 13,600,000 7,720,000 Germany $212.3 billion 3,300,000 2,893,000 (includes Jews and foreign civilians in Germany) Japan $41.3 billion 1,140,429 953,000 Compare to numbers on handout (U5L2 Disillusionment)
The Pacific Theatre Post- Guadalcanal victory- General MacArthur captured the Philippines at the Battle of Leyte Gulf (October 20-25, 1944) March 26, 1945- Iwo Jima captured June 22, 1945- Okinawa captured Bloodiest land battle in Pacific
Allied Victory The Manhattan Project- General Leslie Groves & J. Robert Oppenheimer President Truman gave command after test in New Mexico. Hiroshima- Aug. 6th, 1945 “Little Boy” Nagasaki- Aug. 9th, 1945 “Fat man” Japan surrenders on September 2nd, 1945 marking the official end of WWII.
Yalta Conference February 1945 Denazification of Eastern Europe Winston Churchill (Great Britain) Joseph Stalin (USSR) Franklin D. Roosevelt (United States) Denazification of Eastern Europe United Nations replacing the skeleton of League of Nations Stalin disregards promise to join fight against Japan
The Nuremburg Trials An International Military Tribunal, comprised of 23 nations, put on trial 22 Nazi leaders for waging war of aggression and committing “crimes against humanity” Hermann Goring, commander of the Luftwaffe Life in prison Rudolf Hess, Hitler’s former deputy Committed suicide 10 others sentenced to death Cremated at Dachau, just like their victims.
The Pacific Theatre U.S. General Douglas MacArthur Demilitarization Democratization By May 3, 1947 the Japanese had implemented a democratic constitution Elected body: the Diet Constitutional Monarchy Everyone over 20 could vote Article 9- Japanese cannot make war (only if attacked) Redistribution of land to farmers Reformation of labor unions Sept 1951: official end to war U.S. and Japan are allies